Ravenous 3

Ravenous 3
Ravenous 3

Regular Cast

Paul McGann (The Doctor), Alex Kingston (River Song), India Fisher (Charlotte Pollard), Rahkee Thakrar (Bliss), Nicola Walker (Liv Chenka), Hattie Morahan (Helen Sinclair), John Heffernan (The Nine).


3.1 Deeptime Frontier by Matt Fitton

Stranded on a desolate world by a dead TARDIS, The Doctor and his friends are trapped, surrounded by creatures from Time Lord nightmares – the Ravenous…

Elsewhere, on the edge of the vortex, a Gallifreyan research station takes on board an extremely dangerous artefact. Are the Time Lords sowing the seeds of their own destruction?

And if one Ravenous creature rattles The Doctor’s nerves, what will happen when the whole clan is hunting him?

3.2 Companion Piece by John Dorney

When the evil Time Lord known as the Nine comes across a rare and valuable item floating in the space-time vortex, his acquisitive nature means he can’t resist the urge to complete the set.

Soon a wicked scheme is underway. Only The Doctor’s friends – past, present and future – will be able to stop him.

But without The Doctor around will even the combined skills of Liv, Helen, River Song, Bliss and Charley be enough to save the day?

3.3 L.E.G.E.N.D by Matt Fitton

Over years of study and research, the Brothers Grimm built a compendium of folklore: stories of witches and wizards, magic and morality, strange creatures and treacherous forests…

Professor Marathanga does much the same, on a universal scale. But her methods are rather less rigorous, using technological shortcuts to fill her intelligent database – L.E.G.E.N.D.

When worlds collide, the TARDIS crew discover that fairy tales can become real. and the Doctor’s latest companion is put to the test. Will the Eleven be an asset, orone more monster to defeat?

3.4 The Odds Against by John Dorney

The Doctor, Liv and Helen have landed near an abbey housing the gateway to the dimension in which the Ravenous were originally imprisoned.

But their plans to enlist the inhabitants’ help in defeating their pursuers are disrupted when they stumble over a dead body. Strange creatures roam the corridors and something monstrous may be awakening beneath their feet.
Written by: John Dorney
Directed by: Ken Bentley



Doctor Who – Ravenous 3 sees many of the Doctor’s companions working together to escape the clutches of the Ravenous. But without The Doctor to help, how will – and can – they survive?

As confirmed recently at Big Finish Day, The Doctor box set Ravenous 3 will see companions current, former and yet to come working together to survive the latest scheme of the Nine.

John Heffernan vs India Fisher, Nicola Walker, Hattie Morahan, Alex Kingston and Rahkee Thakrar
River Song (Alex Kingston), Charlotte Pollard (India Fisher) and Bliss (Rahkee Thakrar) will join Liv Chenka (Nicola Walker) and Helen Sinclair (Hattie Morahan). They’re battling the deadly scheme of the Nine (John Heffernan), who last appeared in Doom Coalition 3. And after the cliffhangerof an ending in Ravenous 2, April’s release date can’t come soon enough

Companion Piece by John Dorney contains plenty of treats for Doctor Who fans. Producer David Richardson told us about uniting these companions: “One of our actors described this episode as, ‘The one in which all the ex-girlfriends show up.’ That made me laugh, though really it’s the one in which some of the Doctor’s companions past, present and future find themselves caught in an impossible and deadly situation – and the Time Lord isn’t even around to save them… Expect twists, surprises and some joyous Easter Eggs to make your jaw drop.”


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