



Regular Cast

Peter Davison (The Doctor), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Matthew Waterhouse (Adric), Robert Whitelock (Rickett), Phil Mulryne (Magpie), Camilla Power (Perditia), Bethan Walker (Javon). Other parts played by members of the cast.


Shortly after surviving the perils of Logopolis, Castrovalva and the machinations of the Master, the new Doctor and his new crew could be forgiven for wanting to take a breather from their tourof the galaxy. But when the TARDIS lands in a strange and unsettling environment, the urge to explore is irresistible… and trouble is only a few steps away.

The world they have found themselves in is populated by a wide variety of the strangest people imaginable – a crashed spacecraft here, a monastery there, even a regal court. And not everyone they meet has their best interests at heart.

With the TARDIS stolen, and the very environment itself out to get them, the travellers face an extremely personal threat. They’ll have to work as a team if they want to get out alive… but can you really trust someone you barely know?


Tegan lived on a cattle farm when she was young.
Tegan compares King Magus and Queen Antigone’s Citadel to something out of Frankenstein.
The Fifth Doctor tells Tegan that he is afraid of Cybermen and dentists.
Tegan compares Adric to the Artful Dodger.
Tegan Aunt Vanessa always used to say, “If you have nothing useful to say, keep your mouth shut”. Adric quips that she must have often said it to Tegan.
Adric describes the Fourth Doctor as “unpredictable, intimidating and enigmatic but brilliant”.
Taking place almost immediately after Castrovalva), chronologically, this is the earliest audio drama to feature the The Fifth Doctor.
This is the first Big Finish audio drama in which Matthew Waterhouse reprises his role as Adric. It is also the first time that he has played the character since The Caves of Androzani in 1984.
This story was recorded on 31 July and 1 August 2013 at the Moat Studios.
This is the first audio drama in which The Fifth Doctor uses the sonic screwdriver.
Tegan tells Adric that she has a flight to catch at Heathrow Airport on 28 February 1981. (Logopolis)
Adric Teganthat she previously got lost in the TARDIS. (Logopolis). He mentions that Tegan’s lipstick is still drying on the TARDIS walls. (Castrovalva)
Adric tells Tegan that Romana has recently left the TARDIS. (Warriors’ Gate)
Tegan refers to the Fourth Doctor’s regeneration. (Logopolis)
Tegan refers to the fact that Adric created Castrovalva while The Master’s prisoner. (Castrovalva)
Nyssa sympathises with Tegan over the death of her aunt Vanessa two days earlier while Tegan sympathises with Nyssa over the destruction of Traken. (Logopolis)
The Fifth Doctor refers to the fact that Adric stowed away aboard the TARDIS. (Full Circle, State of Decay)
The Fifth Doctor says, “When I say ‘run, ‘ run.” (The Tomb of the Cybermen)
Adric tells Zaria that he rebelled against his society on Alzarius. (Full Circle)
Tegan refers to The Master’s use of the Tissue Compression Eliminator on her aunt Vanessa and the Logopolitans. (Logopolis)
Adric compares the spaceship to the Terradonian starlineron Alzarius (Full Circle), the Guardians of Observance to the Logopolitans (Logopolis), the Citadel to the Court Building on Traken (The Keeper of Traken) and the giant spiders to the Marshspiders and Marshmen on Alzarius (Full Circle), the Three Who Rule and the Great Vampire (State of Decay).
Before she dies, Javon says, “My dad used to say that ‘if’ was the most powerful word in the English language.” (Castrovalva)
Professor Rickett says, “This is the end but the moment…” (Logopolis)
Adric refers to his badge for mathematical excellence. (Full Circle)
Tegan remarks that she seems to spend half her life carrying unconscious men. (Castrovalva)
Tegan once again exclaims, “Rabbits!” (Logopolis)
Nyssa> created King Magus from her memories of the Fifth Doctor, her father Tremas, the Monitor and The Master. (The Keeper of Traken, Logopolis, Castrovalva)
Adric tells Tegan about his former travelling companion K9. (Full Circle, State of Decay, Warriors’ Gate)
Adric recalls that the Marshmen used the TARDIS as a battering ram. (Full Circle)
The Fifth Doctor says “brave heart, Tegan “for the first time. Tegan asks him not to do so again, thinking that it is silly. He would later do so on numerous occasions. (Earthshock, Warriors of the Deep)
When reflecting on being the last of her species, Nyssa tells the Fifth DoctorFifth Doctor she hopes he will never know what it is like to be alone in the universe. Though the Fifth Doctor>Fifth Doctor would later spend a period of his life believing himself to be the last of the Time Lords (The End of the World), he would later discover that this was not the case. (The Day of the Doctor)
The Fifth Doctor suggests that he take Adric, Nyssa and Tegan to the Eye of Orion. (The Five Doctors)
King Magus refers to Tremas‘ death. (The Keeper of Traken)
Prince Erdos refers to the deaths of Adric’s brother Varsh (Full Circle), the privateers (Warriors’ Gate), the Logopolitans and the Trakenites (Logopolis).
Adric refers to the fact that the Fifth Doctor averted the heat death of the universe. (Logopolis)
Prince Erdos asks Adric how long it will be before he is killed wile travelling with the The Fifth Doctor. (Earthshock)
Before he ceases to exist, King Magus says, “Is this death?” the Fifth Doctor would later say this when unsure if he would be able to regenerate after contracting Spectrox Toxaemia. (The Caves of Androzani)
Tegan asks the Fifth Doctor to bring her to Heathrow Airport at 17:30 on 28 February 1981. However, the TARDIS instead materialises on Monarch’s ship, albeit on the correct date. (Four to Doomsday)
When Tegan asks the Fifth Doctor to return her to Heathrow, the Fifth Doctor says “What could possibly go wrong.” (Four to Doomsday, The Visitation)
King Magus offers the Fifth Doctor and his friends “a continued existence under my guidance” because, as the Fifth Doctor puts it “the alternative is annihilation” before telling Magus that he is quoting The Master. (Logopolis)
The presence of the Fifth Doctor and his companions will later affect another artificial environment, again creating evil elements. (Strange England)


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