Hologram Planet
Hard-light holograms
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Phayke was a planet populated by hard-light holograms.
Council Elder Image indicated it was the only place they were able to evolve beyond their programming. With the intent to reform a group of spam emails infesting The Doctor’s TARDIS, Image gave the ship a suggestion to materialise on Phayke. Holograms removed from the planet would fade away and return to Phayke after a day or so.
The Scroungers invaded Phayke with the intent to take slaves. When informed that this was impossible, they threatened to blow up the planet. The Eleventh Doctor and Image’s interactive help menu coordinated a plan by which the Phishing Doctor and several other spam would lure the Scroungers away with their individual scams.
The Phishing Doctor made the claim that the entire planet was itself a hologram that could be turned off by its inhabitants. In both known cases, this claim was the first part of his phishing attack. (Spam Filtered)