Alex Kingston (River Song), Guy Adams (Ogrons), Dibbsworth (Clive Wood), Dan Starkey (Commander Strumm/Sontarans), Tim Treloar (The Doctor)
Miniscope parts fetch quite a price on the open market – luckily, River knows where she can find one that’s about to be decommissioned. Unfortunately, this particular miniscope is chock-full of aliens, as well as unsuspecting Earthlings.
River must face a carnival of monsters before she can claim her prize – across miniature habitats, Ogrons, sontarans and Drashigs await!
coming soon
- Peepshow was the third story of the audio anthology, The Diary of River Song: Series Six.
- Miniscopes are outlawed tech. (Carnival of Monsters)
- Strumm is a Commander in the Sontaran Special Space Service. (The Invasion of Time)
- The miniscope is fired upon by an Eradicator, controlled by Inter Minorians. (Carnival of Monsters)
- River alludes to Jo’s rapidly approaching departure, due to break The Doctor’s hearts. (The Green Death)
- Dibbsworth uses spoons as a weapon. (Robot of Sherwood)