Out of the Darkness
Audio reading of three short stories: Wish You Were Here was originally published in Short Trips, Moon Graffiti appeared in More Short Trips, while Vigil is previously unpublished. This audio was later re-released in MP3-CD format as part of the compliation Tales from the TARDIS: Volume 1.
Three short stories, with added music and effects, read by the Sixth Doctor and his companion, Peri – Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant!
Moon Graffiti by Dave Stone
The Doctor and Peri become caught up in one of humanity’s final fights for survival in the far future, battling against the all consuming powerof the pararachnids…
Wish You Were Here by Guy Clapperton
The Doctor investigates the disappearance of an old friend in an alien holiday camp. Is Lakksis, the cheery robot redcoat, as innocent as he seems?
Vigil by Mike Collier
When The Doctor and Peri arrive in Hastings, hideous deaths begin to occur. Can they really be linked in some way to a little girl in a coma?
coming soon