Cold Blood
Series 5
Episode 9
First Transmitted
29 May 2010
Final Ratings
Written by |
Chris Chibnall |
Directed by |
Ashley Way |
Produced by |
Peter Bennett |
It is the most important day in the history of Earth: the dawn of a new age of harmony&hellip, or the start of its final war.
The Doctor must face his most difficult challenge yet and he tries desperately to ensure Alaya’s prediction of a massacre does not come true.
Meanwhile, what fate will befall the captured Amy and can Tony and his friends be trusted?
This episode was incorrectly entitled Warm Planet by the BBC.
It is revealed that The Doctor’s TARDIS is at least at the centre of the explosion that started the cracks, as the Doctor fishes a piece of TARDIS out of the crack, which is burnt and destroyed. It is also a foreshadowing of The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang.
Though it apparently was not used in the episode, in Doctor Who Confidential a cut segment from the scene in which the Silurians are marching The Doctor and Nasreen to the court hall appears. In the dialogue, Nasreen expresses that she does not want to be executed “down here”. The Doctor commiserates, saying that the “last time I was executed it really put a blight on the day.” There are several possible events to which this could be a reference, but as this scene did not appear on screen it should not affect continuity.
The Doctor uses the phrase, “squeaky bum time”, originally coined by Sir Alex Ferguson, the managerof football club Manchester united, in 2003.[1] Before Matt Smith became an actor, he planned to become a professional footballer (being forced out by a back injury) and is still a fan of the sport, perhaps why the line was included.
This is the first episode since Part One of The End of Time to have narration. Other stories with narration include The Deadly Assassin, The TV Movie, Army of Ghosts and Human Nature. The opening narration, however, was not actually in the script. According to Ashley Way in the DVD commentary, it was added by Steven Moffat in the.
Amy pickpockets Malokeh so she can escape. Darius Pike picked Thorne’s pocket. (Liberation) The Doctor has picked several pockets in his time. (The Ribos Operation etc)
As is routine for post-2005 Doctor Who, a “NEXT TIME” trailer for the next episode is shown at the end of the episode.