Tooth And Claw


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Tooth And Claw

Series 2

Episode 2

First Transmitted

22 April 2006

Final Ratings





Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
Tooth And Claw
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Regular Cast

David Tennant (The Doctor), Billie Piper (Rose)

Guest Cast

Pauline Collins (Queen Victoria), Ian Hanmore (Father Angelo), Michelle Duncan (Lady Isobel), Jamie Sives (Reynolds), Ron Donachie (The Steward), Tom Smith (The Host), Ruth Milne (Flora), Derek Riddell (Sir Robert).


Written by Russell T. Davies
Directed by Euros Lyn
Produced by Julie Garner and Phil Colinson


Landing in the 1870s by accident, the Tenth Doctor and Rose get caught up in trying to protect Queen Victoria. However, it seems something more sinister is afoot than a simple assassination plot, can the time travellers stop the coming of the Empire of the Wolf?


  • The Tenth Doctor passes himself off as James McCrimmon, the full name of his old companion Jamie.
  • The Host sees a ‘wolf’ inside Rose, a reference back to The Parting of the Ways.
  • This episode explains the origins of the Torchwood Institute, which shall be seen more lateron in the series as well as in it’s own spin- off show.
  • Queen Victoria has certainly changed since her last encounters with the Fifth Doctor, in Empire of Death, she was actually grateful for his presence. However, on that occasion, she herself was interested in the ‘spirits’ that The Doctor was investigating. It is possible that, following the catastrophic events of Imperial Moon, Victoria wishes to forget all about such otherworldly creatures as aliens (A fact that, ironically, may have been supported by The Doctor’s ‘encouragement’ on the part of his companion Kamelion).
  • The Tenth Doctor takes credited it for crashing Skylab in 1979. This was probably in his seventh incarnation, as he’s seen dealing with the aftermath in Brief Encounter: Three Steps to the Left.
  • The Tenth Doctor asks if he’s being rude again. (The Christmas Invasion)

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