New Earth
Series 2
Episode 1
First Transmitted
15 April 2006
Final Ratings
Regular Cast
David Tennant (The Doctor), Billie Piper (Rose)
Guest Cast
Camille Coduri (Jackie Tyler), Noel Clarke (Mickey Smith), ë, Wanamaker (Cassandra), Sean Gallagher (Chip), Doña Croll (Matron Casp), Michael Fitzgerald (Duke of Manhattan), Lucy Robinson (Frau Clovis), Adjoa Andoh (Sister Jatt), Anna Hope (Novice Harne), Simon Ludders (Patient), Struan Rodger (Face of Boe).
Written by |
Russell T. Davies |
Directed by |
James Hawes |
Produced by |
Julie Garner and Phil Colinson |
Whilst The Doctor enters the TARDIS and begins to activate various controls, Rose remains outside to bid farewell to Jackie and Mickey. Soon she joins her friend inside the craft and in no time at all they are spinning through the time vortex. When Rose enquires as to where they are going, The Doctor explains excitedly: “Further than we’ve ever gone before”
What’s left of the words “BAD WOLF” can still be seen on the ground at the beginning.
Cassandra and her robotic spiders were first seen in the season one episode The End of the World. Despite speculation that this would occur throughout the series as with ‘Bad Wolf‘ is series one, there appears to be no reference to Torchwood in this episode.
The TARDIS is in a different location at the beginning of this episode compared to the final scene in The Christmas Invasion, implying there may well have been other adventures between these two stories (i.e. Attack of the Graske) but some references to The Doctor being a ‘new’ Doctor do imply very little time has passed since Christmas.
The Doctor has met cat people before in Invasion of the Cat People and Survival.
The exterior shots of New Earth were filmed on the Gower Peninsula.
The hospital scenes were filmed inside the Wales Millennium Centre which appeared in the previous series episode Boom Town. When The Doctor asks about the shop and points to where he would put it, he points to the location of the centre’s own Portmeirion shop (so-called because it sells the unique Portmeirion china produced in the Welsh resort village of the same name that was once used as a filming location for The Masque of Mandragora).
The exterior shots of the lift car as Rose descends to the basement are stock footage recycled from Rose.
At 5.30 Rose enters the right-hand lift but at 6.20 she leaves the left hand one
A planet invaded by The Daleks (Doctor Who and the Dogs of Doom)
The scene showing Rose kissing The Doctor was featured in one of the trailers and raised a stir in fan circles, despite the “kiss” shared by the Ninth Doctor and Rose in The Parting of the Ways.