Doctor Who Series 1 DVD Box Set
Number of Discs: 6
DVD Number: BBCDVD1770
Certification: 12
Duration: 580 minutes
Release Date: 21 Nov. 2005
A box set containing all 13 stories from the 2005 series of ‘Doctor Who”.
Christopher Eccleston’s Doctor is wise and funny, cheeky and brave. An alien and a loner (it’s difficult keeping up with friends when your day job involves flitting through time and space), his detached logic gives him a vital edge when the world’s in danger. But when it comes to human relationships, he can be found wanting. That’s why he needs new assistant Rose. Rose (Billie Piper) is a shop-girl from the present day. From the moment they meet, The Doctor and Rose are soulmates. They understand and complement each other. As they travel together through time, encountering new adversaries, The Doctor shows her things beyond imagination. She starts out as an innocent, unfettered by worldly concerns. But she ends up an adventurer who, by the end of the series, can never go home again…
Contains the episodes:
‘The End of the World’
‘The Unquiet Dead’
‘Aliens of London’
‘World War Three’
‘The Long Game’
‘Father’s Day’
‘The Empty Child’
‘The Doctor Dances’
‘Boom Town’
‘Bad Wolf’
‘The Parting of the Ways’
Originally transmitted: 26/03/2005-18/06/2005
Commentary on every episode, some of which feature Russell T. Davies, Billie Piper, John Barrowman, Mark Gatiss and Simon Callow
‘On Set With Billie’: feature Billie Piper’s video diary
‘Waking The Dead’: feature Mark Gatiss’ video diary
‘Destroying The Lair’: feature Mike Tucker’s video diary
‘Mocks of Balloons’: feature
‘Designing Doctor Who’: feature
‘Laying Ghosts – The Origins of the Unquiet Dead’: documentary
‘Deconstructing Big Ben’: documentary
‘The Adventures of Captain Jack’: feature BBC Breakfast interview with Christopher Eccleston
‘Making Doctor Who’ with Russell T. Davies Exclusive
‘Doctor Who Confidential’ disc featuring BEHIND THE SCENES footage from ‘The Christmas Invasion’ Collector’s booklet including an introduction from Russell T. Davies
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