Time Lord
Place of Origin:
First Seen In:
Weapon of Choice
Square One
The Inquiry
A Blind Eye
Intervention Earth
Enemy Lines
Celestial Intervention
Soldier Obscura
The Devil You Know
Desperate Measures
The Death of Hope
The Reviled
Rule of the Eminence
The Quantum Possibility Engine
Sins of the Father
From the Flames
The Master’s Dalek Plan
He Who Wins
Main Voice Actor:
Seán Carlsen
Other Voice Actor:
Zaraah Abrahams
Coordinator Narvinectralonum (Narvin for short) was a Time Lord who replaced Coordinator Vansell as head of the Celestial Intervention Agency (CIA) following Vansell’s death aboard the Time Station during the anti-time crisis.
Narvin was of the the Patrex Chapter. (Ascension)
Many centuries before becoming Coordinator, Narvin had been a technician working under Gloweron Project Alpha to develop a Timonic Fusion Device. They were warned of dire consequences by Ambassador Braxiatel, but the two dismissed his theories and proceeded with the test. The resulting catastrophe destroyed the planet Minyos, and necessitated the CIA to conceal the involvement of the Time Lords. Narvin took up a position in the agency not long afterwards and as Braxiatel put it, “never looked back.” Narvin and Braxiatel harboured a long-standing enmity towards each other. (The Inquiry)
As Chief Coordinator, Narvin was originally against the Lady President Romana and her liberal reforms and drew the suspicions of the Castellan at the time, Andred. Correctly assuming that he was being drawn into a trap, he sent Torvald in his place when they agreed to meet, which cost Torvald his life and Andred a regeneration, though Narvin was unaware of this. Believing Andred to be Torvald, he quickly covered up the event to protect “Torvald”, only admitting that he had done so when held at knife point by Leela and only discovering the truth after Andred’s confession during the Cecelia Pollard incident on 3 September 1939. Narvin immediately felt a loathing for Andred, which he implied would not have been as strong if Andred had not killed one of his operatives. (A Blind Eye)
He sent Andred to Gryben with Leela to discover information about Free Time but this escalated into Nepenthe making a threat of temporal war when he sent Battle TARDISes in orbit. (Weapon of Choice) He was later sent as the Time Lord delegate to a temporal conference, where he framed by Baano for the murderof Pule of Unvoss before time was rewritten by Hossak. (Square One) After Romana’s actions on Gryben, Narvin demanded an inquiry, but failed to get her arrested or charged. He eventually teamed with The Inquisitor Darkel in an attempt to remove her from heroffice, along with her supporters, one of whom was Braxiatel. Though Braxiatel took him into his confidence by confessing that he was in frequent contact with past and future selves (a very serious crime), Narvin betrayed him, using the information to get Braxiatel dishonourably exiled and to puncture a hole in Romana’s creditedibility. (The Inquiry)
He disliked the fact that Romana opened up the academy to offworlders. He was constantly tired because of Pandora hitching a ride on his brainwaves. (Lies) He wanted jurisdiction over the mysterious body that appeared on Davidia, thinking he had the right to it over Wynter. He knew that Darkel had access to Braxiatel Matrix codes and started to mistrust her. (Pandora)
He was threatened by Darkel by exposing that she had CIA codes if he started to doubt. (Insurgency) He found out that he was being set up again as a scapegoat for the bombs in the academy. Unfortunately, misjudging the extent of Darkel’s ambitions, his actions and his trust in her (despite the fact that she obviously felt very cavalier about the idea of him being arrested) ended up indirectly causing the release of Pandora and the resulting civil war that threw the entire planet into turmoil. (Imperiatrix) Narvin later admitted that he had made a mistake in betraying Braxiatel’s trust. (Mindbomb)
Narvin was involved in the development of the assassin Aesino, a being that had been fractured through time, which he (presumably along with other members of the CIA) had hooked up to the late Castellan Wynter’s TARDIS, or at the least the one he had stolen. He was unable to perfect it before war broke out, and never suggested it as a weapon, fearing what the Vault’s consciousness would do if ever in the possession of a Time Lord President.
When Pandora was released and began to wreak havoc on Gallifrey, he joined Romana’s side in the civil war and nearly regenerated (possibly for the first time) in a premature bomb explosion which also blinded Leela. After recovering and transporting into the Anomaly Vaults to save Romana, he managed to engineer Romana, Leela, Commander Hallan’s and his own escape to the ruined remnants of the Academy. He helped build a stronghold there, creating his own adaption of certain Matrix partitions, in effect a force field capable of keeping everything out. With this technology, Romana was able to enter the APC Net chamber and eventually defeat Pandora. (Fractures, Warfare)
Though Narvin had started as a someone who would have liked nothing better to see Romana defamed, he ended up, unexpectedly, after the events of Free Time, Pandora, and Darkel’s machinations (including planting a bug bomb into his shoulder that Leela had to cut out and dispose of), as one of the staunchest supporters of Romana and one of the few senior Time Lords who continued to be so after the civil war had ended. When Romana ultimately chose to sacrifice herself along with Pandora and the Matrix, Narvin was the only one who actively attempted to save her as his President and as was his duty, as Matthias had accepted her decision and Elbon didn’t care. He took great risks in keeping Romana informed and alive during the election preceding the war and also did everything in his power to try and prevent Darkel from obtaining the Presidency, even going so far as to say that if she were ever elected, he would resign from his position. (Pandora, Warfare, Appropriation)
Braxiatel brought him to the Axis, where they started exploring alternative realities. When trapped on an alternative Gallifrey where regenerations were extracted and sold among Time Lords, Narvin had his remaining lives stolen from him as a form of torture. (Reborn) He visited another alternate Gallifrey, where he was appalled that they were temporal interventionists. The version of him in that reality was killed by an alternative Leela, and he thought this was the cause of the Axis system collapse. (Disassembled) After loosing Braxiatel after the system collapse he explored many realities just with Leela as Romana would join them, until they found a Gallifrey which was unusual. He found out that it contained a vampire race. He was attacked by Lord Prydon and had to tell Romana that he can no longer regenerate. (Annihilation) He wanted to stay somewhere for more than one day. He found out that his counterpart on the final Gallifrey they visited was the Lord Chancellor, and how ruthless he was. Knowing the attitudes of his counterpart, he could obtain information about the time travel experiments. When his counterpart sacrificed his life to save the planet when the Krilig, Narvin took his place as the chancellor after they were stranded on the planet. (Forever)
Romana put him charge of finding new time technology, so that they could get home. He also reminded her that the council had doubts about her as she was less ruthless than her counterpart. He was framed by Allora for the assassination attempt on Leela (Emancipation). He oversaw a conference of the Gallifreyan scientists that explored Time Travel technologies and had heard of Jonias. He employed Maris to look after Leela and find a research based. He found out about the ethics violation that Jonias has performed. (Evolution) He had Kavil strengthen the signal coming from the Axis. After Lord Zakar was captured by the outsiders, he visited Leela to negotiate his release. He found out that Zakar knew that he and Romana was an imposter and then ordered an attack to return Zakar back to the citadel. He used the recording of Zakar showing his guilt to stop a civil war. (Arbitration)
He knew of the fate of the Daleks, but that knowledge didn’t help him when he faced them in battle. He tried to find a way to stop them, using his knowledge and technology available to him. Leela was surprised that he stayed to fight and look for Romana rather than save his own skin. He went to the armoury where he found experimental weapons. He saved Leela from being exterminated. He travelled back to the Axis. (Extermination)
On returning back to his home Gallifrey, he was trapped in a Chronic Hysteresis with Leela. He found Romana’s deal with her next incarnation disturbing but understood why she made it. He prepared Trey’s exile on Romana’s orders but had to use it to exile Romana instead due to the death of Kolspen of Unvoss. He invested Trey as president. This occurred in the Matrix. (Renaissance)
He again helped Leela when some masonry fell on her. When The Daleks invaded Gallifrey, Narvin saw no other way of defeating them, and sent Valyes to Skaro. There Valyes would send the Fourth Doctor on a mission to destroy The Daleks as they were being created. (Ascension, Genesis of the Daleks)
Narvin was later behind recruiting The Master to help the Time Lords fight the Eminence. After The Master went rogue, Narvin recruited The Doctor to help him stop The Master’s plans to exploit the powers of the Eminence. He used The Matrix to show The Doctor The Master’s actions on Heron’s World. He knew what happened to the Ides Scientific Institute in both the pre and post Straxus timeline. He then showed him a matrix projection of what would happen after The Master’s departure. He requested the Time Lord President to sanction the protection of the people of Heron’s world, knowing that The Doctor’s involvement would aid her decision. (The Death of Hope)
He then showed Ramosa to The Doctor, and gave him Liv Chenka as assistance. The Doctor then demanded answers from him. He told The Doctor that there was part of the CIA was against his plans and wanted to kill the humans The Master had infected with Retro-genitor particle. (The Reviled)
He saved The Doctor’s TARDIS after The Master had ejected it from a spaceship. (Masterplan)
Narvin accompanied The Doctor to Earth to thwart The Master’s plans to exploit the Eminence’s power and take over the human race. Narvin was captured and held in an Eminence casket whilst The Master succeeded in corrupting the minds of humanity. The Doctor defeated The Master and freed Narvin. Narvin travelled back to Gallifrey and arranged for The Master’s corruption of history to be airbrushed away. (Rule of the Eminence)
He argued with President Romana about the employment of Precogs on Gallifrey. She sent him on Earth in 2986 BC, to Greater Henge, to retrieve Ace and the Hand of Omega. He got annoyed when Romana forbade him from using his staseron the locals, but he used it to show his strength. He found out that his adjutant Tauras was behind the Hand’s use. Then, he was brought to the anti-matter universe, when he tried to stop Omega to be freed, he was involved in telepathic contact with Romana and Lukas to hinder Omega’s willpower. Eventually, Omega fled and Narvin managed to escape the pocket universe along with Romana and Ace. When the TARDIS they were using to escape lost power just after leaving the black hole he was left stranded with Ace after Irving Braxiatel saved Romana. (Intervention Earth)
He was charged with treason, and Trave was sentenced to execute her due to Narvin’s part in the Omega Plot. When Irving Braxiatel changed the timelines, Narvin arrested the Adherents of Ohm and placed the Hand of Omega under lock and key. He then sent Ace to Outpost Delta to discover any plots of the Monan Host against Gallifrey. Whilst in The Matrix he was attacked by theWatchmaker, and
killed. Afterwards, Romana made a deal with the Watchmaker so that he didn’t die. (Enemy Lines)
In an alternative timeline in which the Time Lords regularly altered history through the Temporal Intervention Agency, Narvin served as the Interrogator General under Lady President Romana until he was murdered by Leela, who succeeded him in that position. (Disassembled)
In another alternative timeline in which Rassilon failed to finish the Eye of Harmony before his death, Narvin served as Lord Chancellorof a Gallifrey which never achieved time travel and where slavery still existed. He had Lady President Romana assassinated but she was immediately replaced by her counterpart from the proper timeline, who claimed that the victim of the assassination was a decoy. After he was killed by the Krilig, he was replaced by the version of Narvin from the proper timeline. (Forever)
Narvin and Leela shared an association, partially through the status that Leela held due to her husband Andred and through her friendship with Romana. Particularly during the civil war and after, with most of theirother confidantes either exiled or locked up or dead, Leela often (if a little reluctantly) went to him for advice whereas Narvin often went to Leela for errands which he could not trust to anyone else.
Lateron, Narvin seemed extremely concerned for Romana’s safety after she was stripped of her rank. (Annihilation)
Matthias called Narvin the “Black Sheep” of the Patrexes. (Ascension)
Romana once described Narvin as “a CIA half-wit “. (Second Sight)