Missy Volume 1

Missy Volume 1
Missy Volume 1

Regular Cast

Michelle Gomez (Missy), Rufus Hound (The Monk), Oliver Clement (Oliver Davis), Bonnie Kingston (Lucy Davis), Simon Slater (Montague Davis/Moses Walker/Coachman), Dan Starkey (Mr Cosmo/Park Keeper/Old Man/Sphinx), Beth Chalmers (Djinn/Housemaid), Maggie Service (Catherine Parr), Leighton Pugh (Sir Foxcroft/Gramoryan 1/Priest), Graham Seed (Gramoryan 2/Taverner/Squire), Kenneth Jay (Dick Zodiac), Guy Paul (Joe Lynwood), Ryan Forde Iosco (The Actor Playing Joe Lynwood), Daniel Goode(Mark/Roy), Rachel Verkuil (Frankie/The Actress Playing Missy), Abbie Andrew (Aleyna), John Scougall (Cort/Guards), Lucy Goldie (Sath/Mother), Jason Nwoga (Doctor Goodnight), Jamie Laird (Mr Bryce/Father). Other parts played by members of the cast.

More cast details to follow.


Missy… alone, unleashed and unfettered. What does she get up to when The Doctor isn’t around?

Well, Missy has a plan. And to carry it out, she’s going to have to break some rules. And people. And planets.

Look out universe, Missy is on a mission. And nobody is going to stop her…

1. A Spoonful of Mayhem by Roy Gill

In a spot of bother in Victorian London, Missy is forced to take on governess duties.

But she has another scheme in mind, and her charges are simply in the way. She’s going to have to teach the children some rather harsh lessons about getting what you want.

And there will be tears before bedtime.

2. Divorced, Beheaded, Regenerated by John Dorney

Missy arrives in Tudor England, throwing the plans of another renegade Time Lord into chaos.

King Henry VIII is on the throne, and aliens are stomping through the countryside. Missy just wants to be Queen.

and the Monk? Once he knows who else is on the scene, he’ll be glad just to stay alive…

3. The Broken Clock by Nev Fountain

Tonight, on Dick Zodiac’s America’s Most Impossible Killers, Detective Joe Lynwood hunts the most impossible killerof his career.

There’s a trail of bodies. Impossible bodies. And Joe has one long night to solve the case.

Luckily, DI Missy Masters from Scotland Yard in England, London, England is here to help…

4. The Belly of the Beast by Jonathan Morris

Missy’s scheme nears completion. All she must do is subjugate one little planet and bend the inhabitants to her will. Not too much to ask…

But slaves will keep rebelling. It’s almost as if they don’t want to unearth an ancient artefact to fulfil Missy’s plans for universal domination.

She’ll have to do something about that.





Michelle Gomez returns as Missy in her own adventures on audio. The wicked incarnation of the Master returns, and this time The Doctor isn’t here to stop her…

Michelle Gomez, who played The Doctor’s best friend and wicked enemy, Missy, in the recent Doctor Who television series, will be returning to the role in some brand new audio adventures from Big Finish Productions made in arrangement with BBC Studios.

Throughout her time on Doctor Who, Missy – an evil incarnation in the guise of a Victorian nanny – was a delightful devil, at one point sentenced to death for terrible crimes against the universe. And now we get the chance to hear more of what she is really capable of.

These new adventures see an unleashed Missy bringing the universe to wrack and ruin. We can’t wait for its release in February 2019!

Michelle Gomez told us about letting Missy loose on the people of the universe: “I was very excited to return to Missy’s world via the medium of audio because along the way I’ve always had a lot of fun with Missy, her voices and her rhythms. I absolutely love capturing it and distilling it down to the word on the page.

“I’m absolutely delighted! She’s such a ridiculously brilliant character, and hopefully that earns her that moment in the spotlight. To find myself centre stage with these Missy adventures is thrilling – I’m very grateful.”

And (whilst evading The Doctor’s clutches) Missy will encounter another enemy of her ‘boyfriend’ as she crosses paths with the Meddling Monk played by Rufus Hound.

David Richardson, producer of these adventures told us more: “Missy’s own series is just like the Time Lady herself – anarchic, funny, unpredictable and wildly imaginative. It’s absolutely glorious to have Michelle returning to the character at Big Finish, and our recording days have been filled with so much laughter.

“And we haven’t even met face to face yet! Michelle’s busy filming the new Sabrina series in Vancouver for Netflix and so we’ve been pairing studios down the line, Michelle thousands of miles away While we’re in London synched up with her. It’s been a joy to make. And just wait until you hear the collaboration of Missy and the Meddling Monk!”

Jason Haigh-Ellery, executive producer, told us about bringing Michelle back as Missy for her own adventures, “Having Michelle Gomez return to Big Finish is wonderful – a lovely lady who was magnificent as Missy in the past couple of seasons of Doctor Who.”

Missy: The Audio Adventures is available for pre-order now ahead of its release in February 2019 at £23 on CD or £20 on download from www.bigfinish.com and will remain at this price until general release when it will be available for £35 on CD or £30 on download.

And to celebrate the masterful return of Missy, we’re celebrating with special offers on all the Big Finish stories featuring the maniacal menace. Head to page https://www.bigfinish.com/offers/v/masterful and use offer code OBEYME to save on tales featuring several regenerations of the Master, with prices starting at just 99p!

These offers last until 23:59 (UK time) on 21/09/2018 so pay attention, peoples of the universe, and don’t miss out.


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