Miss Jeffers
Place of Origin:
Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?
Miss Jeffers was a teacherof Sarah Jane Smith and Andrea Yates, who went on a school trip with them.
On 13 July 1964, Miss Jeffers went on a geography field trip with Sarah Jane’s and Andrea’s class. She complained about Sarah Jane and Andrea because they were fooling around in the coach and did not sit down. Andrea, however, was annoyed because they were only going to a “stupid old museum” and not to the pier. Meanwhile, Miss Jeffers gave a handout to the class. They should answer all of the questions on the handout within the next three hours. Later she told them that those who had pocket money might have time for an ice cream in the cafeteria. When their classmates went into the museum, Sarah Jane and Andrea sneaked off and went to Westport. (Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?) They went to the pier, where Andrea Yates died. (Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?)