Meta-Crisis Doctor
Meta Crisis Doctor
Main Aliases:
First Seen In:
The Siege of Big Ben
Flight Into Hull!
The Turning of the Tide
Main Actor:
David Tennant
Other Actors:
Colum Regan
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The Meta-Crisis Doctor was a Time Lord/human hybrid and a human incarnation of the Doctor, who possessed one heart, aged as
humans did and had no regenerative ability to avoid death. He was created by an instantaneous biological meta crisis and was the final result of the
However, this Doctor was born in a separate body than the
On Christmas 2006, the newly-regenerated
Shortly after this aborted regeneration, the Daleks attempted to destroy The Doctor’s TARDIS. Still inside the TARDIS during this apparent destruction, Donna Noble touched the energised hand’s container. The regenerative energies present within the hand combined with Donna’s human DNA, causing an instantaneous biological Meta Crisis. The force of the reaction shattered the container, allowing the energy to regenerate the entire missing body of the Doctor. In this process, the “Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor” was created. He immediately dematerialised the TARDIS, saving it and Donna. (Journey’s End)
After putting on a blue suit, The Doctor and Donna left the TARDIS and tried to attack
Feeling his new, part-human counterpart was too dangerous to be left to his own devices, The Doctor entrusted him to Rose Tyler, taking the two of them back to Bad Wolf Bay in Pete’s World. The
Seemingly overcome with the revelation of his answer, Rose grabbed the lapels of the part-human Doctor and pulled him into a kiss, which he reciprocated. The Doctor looked on sadly yet stoically for a moment before returning with Donna to the TARDIS and leaving the parallel world. As the doors of the TARDIS slammed shut, Rose and the part-human Doctor broke from their kiss. The part-human Doctor took Rose’s hand and watched the TARDIS dematerialise. (Journey’s End)
As a result of growing partially from Donna’s DNA, the new Doctor inherited some of Donna’s mannerisms. He claimed he had the same memories, thoughts and feelings of the original Doctor up to the point of his aborted regeneration, making them essentially the same man with physiological differences. However, the original Doctor was quick to point out that his new double was “born in battle, full of blood, anger and revenge”. In this way, the
Although he had the same appearance, memories, and basic personality of the Tenth Doctor, the new Doctor also exhibited several personality changes, in particular based upon Donna Noble.
In End of an Era, executive producer Julie Gardner confirmed that the intention was that the new Doctor did indeed say “I love you” when he whispered in Rose’s ear.
On screen, this character was only ever referred to as the Doctor. To avoid confusion, fans took to referring to him by names such as the New Doctor, Meta-Crisis Doctor, Ten II, the human Doctor, Doctor 10.5, Tenth Doctor Duplicate, Doctor/Donna, John Noble and Handy. None of these names are considered official, particularly references to him as the
The Doctoroccasionally wore his blue suit even after the Meta-Crisis Doctor left the TARDIS with it, indicating that The Doctor either replaced it orowned more than one. (Music of the Spheres, Dreamland, The Waters of Mars)
The clothes that the new Doctor chose reflected the proposed outfit Tennant was to wear in the series 3 opener, Smith and Jones, with The Doctor wearing a red t-shirt under his blue suit as opposed to the light blue shirt/tie combo that was eventually used. (Smith and Jones)
A number of fans have speculated whether this Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor would eventually become the Valeyard. However, among other things, dialogue in The Name of the Doctor stated “Valeyard” as a future name for The Doctor that was yet to come.
There was much fan speculation as to whetheror not The Doctor had used up one of his regenerations when he channelled the excess regeneration energy into his hand. In the 2013 Christmas Special, The Time of the Doctor,
Nevertheless, the idea has popped up in several places:
“The Doctor’s Data” section of a Doctor Who Adventures magazine
The Fact File for the episode on the official website, which stated that it was in the original script but later removed.
Inside the magazine, there is an excerpt of script with a statement that this part of the scene made it all the way to the last cut, but the producers decided that it just complicated the scene too much. However, the scene was filmed and it was included in the series 4 DVD boxset. The magazine quoted Russell T Davies’ opinion that the Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler have a piece of TARDIS coral, which they can use to grow their own TARDIS.
In Russell T Davies’ book The Writer’s Tale, the full original draft of the Bad Wolf Bay script has the Doctor stating that it takes “thousands of years” to grow a TARDIS.
However, Donna uses her newfound Time Lord knowledge enhanced by human intuition to overcome this problem by suggesting:”…if you shatterfry the plasmic shell and modify the dimensional stabiliser to a foldback harmonic of 36.3, you accelerate growth by the powerof 59!” Which would presumably enable a TARDIS to grow within a human lifetime.