The Memory Bank and Other Stories

The Memory Bank and Other Stories
Peter Davison (<5thdoctorpage">Fifth Doctor” href=”5thdoctorpage”>The Doctor), Mark Strickson (
Four new adventures featuring the Fifth Doctor and Turlough!
The Memory Bank by Chris Chapman
The Doctor and Turlough arrive on a planet where to be forgotten is to cease to exist. But the Forgotten leave a gap in the world – and that’s where the monsters are hiding.
The Last Fairy Tale by Paul Magrs
Deep in the heart of old Europe, the village of Vadhoc awaits the coming of a mythical tellerof magical tales – but not all such stories end happily, the TARDIS travellers discover.
Repeat offender by Eddie Robson
The Doctor has tracked the deadly Bratanian Shroud to 22nd century Reykjavík – where he’s about to become the victim of a serial criminal. Again.
The Becoming by Ian Potter
A young woman climbs a perilous mountain in search of her destiny. The Doctor and Turlough save her from the monsters on her trail – but what awaits them in the Cavern of Becoming is stranger, even, than the ravening Hungerers outside.
Written by: Chris Chapman, Paul Magrs, Eddie Robson, Ian Potter
Directed by: Helen Goldwyn
coming soon
- Turlough is an avid artist. (The Five Doctors, The Last Fairy Tale)
- Turlough refers to his time at Brendon Public School in 1983. (Mawdryn Undead)
- Turlough recalls fighting in the Trion Civil War as a junior ensign commander. (Planet of Fire)
- Turlough refers to his former schoolmates Ibbotson (Mawdryn Undead) and Charlie Gibbs (Eldrad Must Die!).
- Turlough sarcastically refers to Grayling Frimlish as “Oscar Wilde”..
- The Doctor once had to broker negotiations between two branches of the Royal Dynasties of the Eisenblatt system.
- One branch had a genetic glitch which meant that they were living backwards through time. As a result, the two branches were approaching the same century from either end. The Doctor noted that this made coronations and abdications complicated.
- The Third Doctor and Jo Grant once got into a dangerous situation involving a number of giant tortoises which was caused by The Master..
- Frimlish’s story involves the Infernal Flaming Spectres from the Catacombs of Utter Dreadfulness, the Moss Demons of the Sussurating Swamps, and Desmond the Ogre. .
- The Doctor and Turlough previously visited Reykjavik in the 51st century in the company of Nyssa and Tegan Jovanka. (the Butcherof Brisbane)
- Inspector Sveinsdóttir refers to the Lunar Penal Colony. (Frontier in Space, Bad Wolf, Love and War)
- The Doctor refers to artron energy. (Four to Doomsday)
- The Doctor refers to the fact that the Tractator invasion of Trion etched itself onto the racial memory of the Trions. (Frontios)
- The name “Turlough” originally meant “prompter” or “spur to action” on Earth but not on Trion.