“I won’t fight you.”
“Oh, but you will.” The voice twisted and cracked. Fury and madness tore through it.”You will fight me, Doctor!”
The Doctor is on the run from a faceless enemy that knows his every thought and move. He flees to his past, planning to leave
The TARDIS is finally drawn to London in the winterof 1888, where The Doctor and Ace discover a dark secret from Gallifrey’s past, and the name of their unseen opponent. It is Jack the Ripper.
coming soon
- Matrix was the sixteenth BBC Past Doctor Adventures novel. It featured the Seventh Doctor, Ace and The Valeyard. It also features alternate versions of Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright.
- The Doctor recalls watching a Gallifreyan dawn with his father.
- This story is a sequel to the the television story The Trial of a Time Lord.