Lucie Miller

Lucie Miller
Paul McGann (
Hello! Doctor, it’s me. Lucie. Lucie Miller…
Lucie Miller needs The Doctor’s help. The whole planet Earth needs his help. But he is nowhere to be seen.
While Lucie struggles to survive a terrible sickness, an even greater threat to the human race is about to be unleashed.
And this will be the second Dalek invasion of Earth The Doctor’s granddaughter has had to endure.
‘You must accept the reality of your situation. You have been defeated.’
coming soon
- Lucie Miller was the ninth release of the fourth series of the New Eighth Doctor Adventures.
- Lucie sarcastically refers to Alex as “Alexander the Great.”
- Tamsin calls Lucie the “chav extraordinaire.”
Susan still has heroriginal TARDIS key. (The Dalek Invasion of Earth)
- The temporal interocitor that Lucie uses to contact The Doctor was built by the
Fifth Doctor’s companion Nyssa. It has not been used since then. (Renaissance of the Daleks)
- The Doctor recalls killing The Dalek time controlleron the Amethyst Viral Containment Station in the far future during his sixth incarnation. (Patient Zero)
- The temporal interocitor that Lucie uses to contact The Doctor was built by the