Main Aliases:
Queen Charlotte
Lola Denison
Lady Wakai
War Queen
President of the United States
Affiliated With:
House Lolita
First Seen In:
Toy Story
The Eleven Day Empire
The Shadow Play
The Book of the War
Main Voice Actor:
Caroline Burns-Cook
Other Voice Actors:
Jet Tattersall
Lolita was a sentient humanoid timeship and the sole member of House Lolita. During the War in Heaven, she became not only the Homeworld’s War Queen but also (as Charlotte) queen of the United Kingdom and (as Lola Denison) President of the United States. She appeared in Michael Brookhaven’s film Mujun: The Ghost Kingdom as Lady Wakai, to Richard Francis Burton as Lady of the Last Night, and to Count Dracula as Lilith.
Lolita visited her sisteron a lush green planet shortly before the War in Heaven. They were both aware of the Enemy’s identity. Lolita tried to convince her to join her in becoming humanoid and “put[ting] Mother’s plans into effect, after all these years”; when the sister refused the offer, Lolita told her that she wouldn’t survive the War. (Toy Story)
Lolita allied her House with House Tracolix, (The Book of the War) and she and Lord Ruthven travelled to the Eleven-Day Empire to reconcile House Paradox with the “proper” Houses on the Homeworld. Her real plan, however, was to destroy the Faction, starting with its Eleven-Day Empire. To that end, she turned on Ruthven and the Seventy-Ninth Sontaran Assault Corps, destroying both; after reaching an accommodation with the Empire’s loa, she then “swallowed” the Eleven-Day Empire into her internal dimensions. Only Cousins Justine and Eliza escaped. (The Eleven Day Empire, The Shadow Play)