Place of Origin:
The Well-Mannered War
The Well-Mannered War
Main Voice Actor:
Jessica Claire
Liris was the one of the Femdroids on Metralubit, and functioned as the chief researcher. Her external appearance was specially designed for this role, so that she appeared less “glamorous” than the other Femdroids. She was shorter, her hair was in a bob, and she wore eyeglasses as an affectation. She was also programmed to act in a nervous, bookish, and absent-minded manner.
Liris, studying the cycle of mass death on Metralubit, discovered the existence of the Darkness hive, which set in motion Galatea’s plan to save the humans of that world. She ceased functioning when Menlove Stokes destroyed the Femdroid control centre. (The Well-Mannered War
The Well-Mannered War)