The Jupiter Conjunction

The Jupiter Conjunction
Peter Davison (
Eight slash Q Panenka, a craggy comet with a 13km circumference, has an elliptical orbit that takes it between Earth and Jupiter. Which, in the year 2329, makes it a cheap means of space freight – the second class postal service of the solar system.
But when the TARDIS lands on Panenka, The Doctor, Tegan, Turlough and Nyssa discover a community falling apart at the seams – plagued by thefts, and mysterious disappearances among the ‘piggybackers’ who eke out a desperate existence on the comet.
While Tegan and Nyssa suit up for a dangerous excursedition into the comet’s Unstable Zone, The Doctor and Turlough find themselves pawns in a game that could lead to tragedy for both Earth and Jupiter alike…
Written by: Eddie Robson
Directed by: Ken Bentley
coming soon
- The JupiterConjunction was the second story in the 2012 The Fifth Doctor audio trilogy.
- The Doctor refers to Nyssa’s recent rejuvenation in India on 31 December 1926 (The Emerald Tiger), and his regeneration into his fourth incarnation (Planet of the Spiders, Robot).
- The Doctor and Nyssa both recall his failure to save Adric’s life. (Earthshock)
- The Doctor and Turlough wear atmospheric suits from the TARDIS. (Four to Doomsday)
- The Doctor refers to the TARDIS’ Hostile Action Displacement System. (The Krotons)
- Eight slash Q Panenka, which is 13 kilometres in diameter, orbits the Sol system every three years and three months. The Doctor determines that the comet is approaching conjunction with Jupiter.
- Panenka Haulage has 316 employees, all of whom reside on the comet.
- The Jovians are incapable of firing their electrical bolts twice in rapid succession.