Jackie Maclean

Jackie Maclean
Place of Origin:
22 October 2016 to 3 December 2016
First Seen In:
For Tonight We Might Die
Last Appearance:
The Lost
Main Actor:
Shannon Murray
Numberof Series:

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Jackie MacLean was the mother of April MacLean.
When April was 8 years old, Jackie’s husband purposefully drove off the motorway with both Jackie and April in the car. Jackie was paralysed as a result, while her daughter was not hurt. Her husband survived, and went to prison for causing the crash. (Nightvisiting)
After the crash, April took care of her. She got around in a wheelchair. In 2016, April said that she adjusted. (For Tonicght We Might Die)
After April began to share her heart with the Shadow King, Corakinus she began to have aggressive outbursts from the strain. After she attacked and nearly killed her father with Shadow Kin scimitars, April then proceeded to attack Jackie just as Corakinus was killing one of his servants in his palace. Jackie survived, and regained the ability to move her leg, seemingly reversing the paralysis. (Co-Ownerof a Lonely Heart)
She watched April’s performance of the Lost before Ram came in distress. She was then captured by Corakinus in order to persuade April to come back with him to the Underneath. After Charlie used the Cabinet of Souls on the Shadow Kin she lost the use of her legs. (The Lost)

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