The Jago & Litefoot Revival Act 2

The Jago & Litefoot Revival Act 2
The Jago & Litefoot Revival Act 2

Regular Cast

Christopher Benjamin (Narrator), Trevor Baxter (Narrator)


Fresh from another superlative season on the boards at the New Regency, we are this evening elated to welcome that master of melodrama, that sultan of story, that king of the cliffhanger Mr Henry Gordon Jago. Tonight, in his usual matchless and majestic manner, he will continue and conclude our captivating chronicle of fortune, change and revivification, with the indispensable assistance of that peerless pathologist, Professor George Litefoot.

Producer: Ian Atkins
Script Editor: Ian Atkins
Executive Producers: Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs

Written by: Jonathan Barnes
Directed by: Lisa Bowerman


“…A story that delights in the etymological supererogatedition of the English language, Baxter and Benjamin swilling vowels and consonants around their mouths like a fine claret, “Doctor Who Magazine

“In Jagoees, I give this a devilishly, dazzlingly, distinguished 10 out of 10, “ Indie Mac User

“All in all, the second act of the Jago and Litefoot Revival is as strong as the first, we tie up all the loose ends whilst being taken along a rip-roaring ride with Jago, Litefoot and the Doctor… it has to be a must buy, not just for any Big Finish or Jago and Litefoot fans, but for any fans of New Who too, 92%”,  Gallifrey Archive

“Another terrific crossover between classic and new Who brought to life with style. 9/10”,  Sci-Fi Bulletin


Jean Bazemore previously appeared in Jago & Son.
Litefoot mentions that his previous time on a cruise ship was much more eventful. (Jago & Litefoot: Series Nine)
The Tenth Doctor is on his farewell tour visiting old friends and is already in the process of regenerating. (The End of Time)
Litefoot last encountered The Doctor about a year ago in an incident involving The Master. (Masterpiece)
Litefoot recalls his defeat of the Scorchies. (Encore of the Scorchies)
The Tenth Doctor opens the TARDIS doors by snapping his fingers, an ability he discovered earlier in this incarnation. (Silence in the Library)
The Eleventh Doctor uses the expression “Squeaky bum time,” much to Jago’s bewilderment. (Cold Blood)
The Eleventh Doctor wears a Fez. (The Big Bang)
Litefoot mentions that Professor G Challenger has given a talk for the CCSM.
Litefoot sets sail from Dover.
Jago visits the Red Tavern.
Minos is an island in the Aegean Sea.
This story is available for download only.
This story was recorded at the Moat Studios on 21 February 2017.
The appearance of the Eleventh Doctor was not announced prior to this story’s release. Act one implies that Jago meets this incarnation, but it is not confirmed until Act two. Big Finish subsequently released an alternate cover art featuring Matt Smith instead of David Tennant.

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