The Two Irises

The Two Irises
The Two Irises

Regular Cast

Katy Manning (Iris Wildthyme), David Benson (Panda), Dan Hogarth (Iris Wildthyme), John Dorney (Roger the Naxian), Scott Handcock (Barry)


Iris is dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. She sacrificed herself to save her best friend, Panda, then exploded inside her time-travelling bus.

On Earth in the year 2108, the North Bloc and the South Bloc teeteron the edge of terrible nuclear war. The fate of the whole world rests on a not-very-good disco in Spain. One run by the dastardly alien Naxians…

Iris Wildthyme is as dead as a doornail. But her new incarnation is going to have to get stuck in. Poor bloke doesn’t stand a chance.

Written by: Simon Guerrier

Directed by: Gary Russell



  • The Two Irises was the fifth release in the Iris Wildthyme audio series. It was the third story in the second season. It was written by Simon Guerrier.


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