Iris Wildthyme: The Polythene Terror
More adventures with Iris Wildthyme, transtemporal adventuress, who travels the multiverse with her best friend Panda, in the Celestial Omnibus – a double decker bus that is a bit smalleron the inside than it is on the outside…
Exiled by her own people to Earth in 1976, Iris and Panda find the streets of London filled with rubbish, and deadly plastic rubbish men terrorising innocent citizens and causing chaos. The government are no help, so it’s up to Iris to investigate, with a bit of help from MIAOW (the Ministry of Incursions and Ontological Wonders).
Iris Wildthyme and the Polythene Terror was first published by Stuart Douglas and Obverse Books in 2019 and is still available as a paperback and ebook from
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