Interludes Fifth Doctor
coming soon
Big Finish listeners who have purchased the first of 2022’s Fifth Doctor Adventures – Forty Volume One – through the website will now see an extra audiobook download has been added to their account.
Entitled I, Kamelion, this hour-long audiobook is written by Dominic Martin and read by Dan Starkey, and is one of three Interludes that will be made available throughout the year, bundled exclusively with selected new Doctor Who box sets.
The planet Tairot is a haven for technology, dedicated to improving the quality of life for its inhabitants one cerebral implant at a time. And yet with no memory to guide him, Kamelion finds himself to now be one of those inhabitants, taken from his self-imposed exile and forced into a human body. A seemingly permanent one.
With a new conspiracy unfolding around him, Kamelion begins his quest to find answers. Why have The Doctor and Turlough become public enemy numberone? What is the truth behind the planet’s technology? And most of all… how does an android dream of electric beasts?
Producer David Richardson said: “We may have a new format for releases, but each of the Doctors who previously appeared in The Doctor Who Monthly Adventures range – namely the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh – now get their own Interlude story, a one-hour narrated adventure with full sound effects and music, as we ease through 2022.”
Big Finish Creative Director, Nicholas Briggs added: “These interludes a really rather beautifully crafted bonus stories, written by great writers and performed by great actors, expanding on themes and narratives within each of their Doctors’ eras. It’s all part of our revamped classic Doctor ranges, replacing the bonus Short Trips we used to offer.”
And writer Dominic Martin said: “It’s been an absolute dream to write an actual Big Finish audio! I’m so stoked to have been given this opportunity to not only contribute to The Doctor Who mythos, but also to put the spotlight on one of the more curious characters. Kamelion has always fascinated me, in the TVseries, the audios and novels, so I hope I’ve done him justice.”
What are Interludes?
Interludes are hour-long audiobook adventures with music and effects, read by a well-known Doctor Who actor.
How do I get them?
Interludes will be available as downloads only to Big Finish listeners who purchase the first box set release from each of the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctor ranges in 2022:
Doctor Who – The Fifth Doctor Adventures: Forty volume 1 released January 2022
Doctor Who – The Sixth Doctor Adventures: title TBA due for release May 2022
Doctor Who – The Seventh Doctor Adventures: Silver and Ice due for release June 2022
Can I buy Interludes separately, oron CD?
Currently there are no plans to make Interludes available for purchase as individual collector’s edition CDs or downloads.
Will there be Interludes bundled with the Eighth/Ninth/First Doctor box sets?
There are no plans for additional Interludes at the moment.
Please note that Big Finish is currently operating a digital-first release schedule. The mail-out of collector’s edition CDs may be delayed due to factors beyond our control, but all purchases of this release unlock a digital copy that can be immediately downloaded or played on the Big Finish app from the release date.