Horror of Fang Rock Vinyl

Horror of Fang Rock
Horror of Fang Rock Vinyl


It is the turn of the century, and the TARDIS materialises by the lighthouse on the desolate isle of Fang Rock. When the engineer dies in mysterious circumstances, the remaining crew blame the mythical Beast of Fang Rock – until The Doctor and Leela turn up…

When a small clipper runs aground on the crags of Fang Rock, the lighthouse offers shelter to its desperate passengers. But The Doctor soon discovers clues that suggest that no one is safe on the tiny island.

Whilst a private drama unfolds between the survivors of the wrecked clipper, another death occurs. The Doctor suspects a ruthless alien lurks in the thick unnatural fog around the island, and secures the lighthouse. But has he really locked the horrorout, or is it somewhere inside with them…?

This gripping story kicked off Tom Baker’s fourth season as the Doctor.

Episode Guide

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“Fishpond”Square 130x126

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