The Holy Terror

The Holy Terror
The Holy Terror

Regular Cast

Colin Baker (The Doctor), Robert Jezek (Frobisher), Sam Kelly (Eugene Tacitus/The Boy), Roberta Taylor (Berengaria), Peter Guinness (Childeric), Dan Hogarth (Captain Sejanus), Helen Punt (Livilla), Stefan Atkinson (Pepin), Peter Sowerbutts (Clovis), Bruce Mann (Arnulf), Robert Shearman (Sculptor/Guard), Gary Russell (Guard), Jacqueline Rayner (Woma00)


The TARDIS lands in a forbidding castle in a time of religious upheaval. The old god has been overthrown, and all heretics are to be slaughtered. Obviously it isn’t the sort of thing which would happen there every day – just every few years or so.

And when The Doctor and Frobisher are hailed as messengers from heaven, they quickly become vital to opposing factions in their struggle for power. But will they be merely the acolytes of the new order – or will they be made gods themselves?

An evil destructive force is growing deep within the crypt. And the pair soon find out that they will be lucky to escape their new immortality with their lives.



  • The Holy Terror was the fourteenth monthly Doctor Who audio story produced by Big Finish Productions. It featured Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor and was the debut audio story for Frobisher, a character who first appeared in the 1984 Doctor Who Magazine comic story
  • The dimensional stabilisers gives the TARDIS its form and supplies the interior with gravity and oxygen.
  • The CD case describes it as “A Side Step…into a 2D universe.”
  • This story was released on both CD and cassette.
  • The final thirty seconds of the second disc (the end of the Coming Soon track of trailers) contains an easter egg of the “All Hail Frobisher!” line put to rhythm.
  • This audio drama was recorded on 5 and 6 August 2000 at the Moat Studios.
  • This is one of a few stories in which all the characters except for The Doctor and his companions die. The first such story was Horror of Fang Rock.
  • Bob Brooker performed the lute music for this production.

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