Huw Maclean
Main Actor:Con O’Neill
Tenure 5 November 2016 to 12 November 2016
First appearance
Last appearanceBrave-Ish Heart
Number of Series 1
Huw MacLean was a folk singer and fiddle player. (Nightvisiting) He was April MacLean’s father.
Jackie MacLean told her daughter that when she and Huw first met, he wasn’t like he would later turn out to be. (Co-Ownerof a Lonely Heart)
He was often away, and April and Jackie did not see him very muchat some point, he started drinking a lot of alcohol and began to have suicidal thoughts.
When April was eight years old, he purposefully drove off the motorway with both Jackie and April in the car. Jackie was paralysed as a result, while April herself was not hurt. Huw went to prison for causing the crash. (Nightvisiting)
By court order, Huw was not allowed to contact April except by mail. (Co-Ownerof a Lonely Heart)
In late October 2016, he was released from prison. (Co-Ownerof a Lonely Heart) He called April on her Samsung mobile phone, while she was playing violin, (The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo) violating the court order. (Co-Ownerof a Lonely Heart) She didn’t pick up. (The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo)
In November, he went to see April at Coal Hill Academy, and found her in a caroutside with Ram Singh. She was angry with him, and, as a result of sharing her heart with Corakinus, produced Shadow Kin scimitars and attacked him, then suggested he run away. April later told Ram that, due to Corakinus‘ influence, she wanted to kill him.
That same day, he visited Jackie’s house to tell her about April. With her new powers, Aprilnearly killed him. (Co-Ownerof a Lonely Heart)
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