Ghost Light

Though the score features small themes and motifs, the musical narrative relies on “sounds” rather than “themes”. The composer juxtaposes the tender sound of strings, harp, clarinet with native drums and unearthly sounds of pipes, distorted gong, organ and choir.
Ghost Light was the final production of the series’ original 26-year run.
1. Doctor Who (Opening theme) (00’55″)
2. The Madhouse (03’52″)
3. Redvers, I Presume? (00’44″)
4. Uncharted Territory (01’41″)
5. Heart of the Interior (02’19″)
6. Gwendoline (00’23″)
7. The Fang of a Cave Bear (00’19″)
8. Enter Josiah (00’29″)
9. Indoor Lightning (01’39″)
10. Nimrod Observed (01’02″)
11. Time to Emerge (01’24″)
12. Burnt Toast (01’42″)
13. Ace’s Adventures Underground (04’37″)
14. Where is Mamma? (00’44″)
15. Loss of Control (03’34″)
16. The Way to the Zoo (01’54″)
17. The Hungry Inspector (00’34″)
18. The Memory Teller (01’51″)
19. Lighting the Touchpaper (01’11″)
20. Homo Victorianus Ineptus (01’20″)
21. Out of the Shadows (04’03″)
22. Light Enlightened (01’58″)
23. Tropic of Perivale (02’16″)
24. Tricks of the Light (04’31″)
25. Judgement in Stone (02’20″)
26. Requiem (05’04″)
27. Passing Thoughts (01’25″)
28. Doctor Who (Closing theme) (01’13″)
Part One Demo Version
29. The Madhouse (alternative) (03’45″)
30. Redvers, I Presume? (alternative) (00’25″)
31. Uncharted Territory (alternative) (01’36″)
32. Heart of the Interior (alternative) (02’18″)
33. Gwendoline (alternative) (00’22″)
34. The Fang of a Cave Bear (alternative) (00’18″)
35. Enter Josiah (alternative) (00’29″)
36. Indoor Lightning (alternative) (01’39″)
37. Nimrod Observed (alternative) (01’02″)
38. Time to Emerge (alternative) (01’08″)
39. Burnt Toast (alternative) (01’35″)
40. Ace’s Adventures Underground (alternative) (01’31″)
(Total Playing Time 72.05)
Tracks 6, 7, 17, 29-40 Previously Unreleased.
coming soon
sample track