Doctor Who Unbound: Doctor of War 1: Genesis

Doctor Who Unbound: Doctor of War 1: Genesis
Colin Baker (The Doctor), Tom Baker (The Doctor), Geoffrey Beevers (The Master), Sasha Behar (Talarn/Bullet 2/Thayla), Sanjeev Bhaskar (Chancellor Borusa), Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Karen Bryson (Command Esk), Seán Carlsen (Narvin), David Holt (Chooban/Bullet 1/Driver), Georgia Mackenzie (Zorcha), Sadie Miller (Sarah Jane Smith), Christopher Naylor (Harry Sullivan), Rebecca Night (Romana)
Two alternative futures bookend a brand-new box set of full-cast audio dramas from The Doctor Who — Unbound range, released today by Big Finish Productions.
The Doctor of War v the Kraals
In the midst of the Time War, different realities are conjured up and extinguished in moments. The Meanwhiles and the Neverweres. The Nightmare Child, the Skaro Degradations and the Horde of Travesties. Now, among them strides the Warrior.
Colin Baker leads an all-star cast in three new adventures in the Unbound universe. Doctor Who Unbound: Doctor of War – Genesis opens in the dying seconds of the 1975 TVstory Genesis of the Daleks as the Doctor (Tom Baker), Sarah (Sadie Miller) and Harry (Christopher Naylor) make a choice to destroy The Daleks. But this time, they must face the dire consequences of that decision.
The box set cast also features Sanjeev Bhaskar (as Chancellor Borusa), Geoffrey Beevers (as The Master), Rebecca Night (as Romana), Nicola Bryant (as Peri), Seán Carlsen (as Narvin), Georgia Mackenzie (as Time Lady Zorcha) and Nicholas Briggs (as the Daleks).
Then, in the closing adventure, Big Finish first-timer Rick Warden (Happy Valley, Unwelcome) joins the action as the ruthless Styggron, from 1975’s The Android Invasion. In this new reality, the Kraals’ plan is more ambitious than simple world domination but is the Warrior their enemy or ally?
Doctor Who Unbound: Doctor of War – Genesis is now available to own as a collector’s edition CD (+ download for just £19.99) or a digital download only (for just £16.99).
Times have changed. A choice was made and the universe diverged. And now all of history is at war.
One man stands at the centre of it all. But whose side is he on? Is he with the angels? Or the demons? And does anyone even know which is which?
He was a Doctor once, but now he is Doctor no more. He is the Warrior. The Doctor of War.
The three explosive stories in this box set are:
Dust Devil by John Dorney
The TARDIS crew are on the run, pursued by an unstoppable force. But who is hunting them? And why? Will they find the answers on Aridius? Or just more questions?
Aftershocks by Lou Morgan
The ripples are spreading out. The Warrior is on trial. Or is he? No-one’s willing to tell him his crime so how can he know if he’s guilty? And who is trying him anyway?
The Difference Office by James Kettle
The Warrior is President of the Time Lords… and suffering from visions. Is he the right man to combat an invasion? Because there’s someone out there in the wilderness of Gallifrey. Someone with the Warrior’s face. And he’s heading for the Capitol.
Producer David Richardson said: “I love the Kraals – they’re so angry! In the twisted timeline of Doctor of War, The Android Invasion never happened and history took a different path, as the Warrior meets them elsewhere – and their leader Styggron has a different scheme! And it’s one that puts just more than the future of planet Earth in peril…”
Actor Rick Warden added: “I think it’s a fascinating script. I really enjoyed it. I prepped for Styggron by looking at clips that director Barnaby Kay sent me through. Straight away I said something to the effect of, ‘If I don’t lose my voice playing Styggron than I haven’t done it right’. He’s a good deal more gravelly and more aggressive than me. So, my main preparation was vocal.”
Colin Baker said: “When I read the script I thought, ‘Wow, that’s exciting’. There’s more going on than you can shake a stick at.
“It’s great fun exploring these new intricate possibilities. It’s very complex stuff. As soon as you acknowledge that tampering with time is possible then you can go back and change things, the rules can get broken, and the perceptions of the rules can get changed. It expands the possible universes of Doctor Who enormously.”
Doctor of War – Genesis is now available to own as a collector’s edition CD (for just £19.99) or a digital download (for just £16.99) exclusively from the Big Finish website.
The second volume within this series, Doctor of War – Destiny, is set to be released in September 2022. Big Finish listeners can save money by pre-ordering both box sets together in a bundle for £38 (as a CD edition) or £33 (as a digital download).
All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release.
Big Finish is currently operating a digital-first release schedule. The mail-out of collector’s edition CDs may be delayed due to factors beyond our control, but all purchases of this release unlock a digital copy that can be immediately downloaded or played on the Big Finish app from the release date.
coming soon
coming soon
Doctor Who Unbound: Doctor of War – Genesis begins a new Big Finish audio drama series set in an alternative timeline immediately after the events of the 1975 TVstory, Genesis of the Daleks.
Joining leading man Colin Baker in the cast of this experimental “What if?” adventure are many familiar friends and foes, including The Master (Geoffrey Beevers), Romana (Rebecca Night), Peri (Nicola Bryant) of the Daleks (Nicholas Briggs). Although, in the unbound universe, not everyone is as they seem.
Plus, Gallifreyan high society is graced with some new faces, including Chancellor Borusa (played by TVstar Sanjeev Bhaskar) alongside his girlfriend, the Time Lady Zorcha (Georgia Mackenzie).
Doctor Who Unbound: Doctor of War – Genesis is now available to pre-order as a collector’s edition CD (+ download for just £19.99) or a digital download only (for just £16.99) .
Times have changed. A choice was made and the universe diverged. And now all of history is at war.
One man stands at the centre of it all. But whose side is he on? Is he with the angels? Or the demons? And does anyone even know which is which?
He was a Doctor once, but now he is Doctor no more. He is the Warrior. The Doctor of War.
The three stories in this exclusive box set are:
Dust Devil by John Dorney
The TARDIS crew are on the run, pursued by an unstoppable force. But who is hunting them? And why? Will they find the answers on Aridius? Or just more questions?
Aftershocks by Lou Morgan
The ripples are spreading out. The Warrior is on trial. Or is he? No-one’s willing to tell him his crime so how can he know if he’s guilty? And who is trying him anyway?
The Difference Office by James Kettle
The Warrior is President of the Time Lords… and suffering from visions. Is he the right man to combat an invasion? Because there’s someone out there in the wilderness of Gallifrey. Someone with the Warrior’s face. And he’s heading for the Capitol.
Sanjeev Bhaskar said: “I’m a big fan of Doctor Who and I’ve enjoyed it since I was a kid. I think Doctor Who is the one solid, surviving, continuous strand of British science fiction. It’s a real institution and to be involved in it has been extraordinary.
“One of the interesting things about reading the script was that I had no idea it was going to end up where it did. That’s always a lovely surprise because that means it’s unpredictable which I think is one of the hallmarks of Doctor Who.”
Director Barnaby Kay added: “It’s jolly exciting. The episodes are so extraordinarily non-linear and everyone’s on catch-up. We’re not quite sure where we are, what planet we’re on, what timeline we’re in and that’s an exciting prospect to unravel.”
Doctor of War – Genesis is now available to pre-order as a collector’s edition CD (for just £19.99) or a digital download (for just £16.99) exclusively from the Big Finish website.
The second volume within this series, Doctor of War – Destiny, is set to be released in September 2022. Big Finish listeners can save money by pre-ordering both box sets together in a bundle for £38 (as a CD edition) or £33 (as a digital download).
All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release.
Big Finish is currently operating a digital-first release schedule. The mail-out of collector’s edition CDs may be delayed due to factors beyond our control, but all purchases of this release unlock a digital copy that can be immediately downloaded or played on the Big Finish app from the release date.