Gallifrey Enemy Lines
Lalla Ward (Romana), Louise Jameson (
In the distant future, President Romanadvoratrelundar will do anything it takes to save her world, even if it means sacrificing her allies and friends…
In the distant past, President Romanadvoratrelundar will also do anything it takes to save her world, even if it means sacrificing her own life in the process…
Unfortunately for Romana, there is no easy option.
With the threat of impending war, and negotiations still ongoing, the Temporal Powers are growing restless. Every day, they find their future slipping away from them. Every decision they make proves critical. And no one can escape the fact that sacrifices have to be made…
Time is running out… and it’s running straight to Gallifrey.
- As exclusively announced as part of this weekend’s Big Finish Day convention, we’re very pleased to confirm plans for a new release in Big Finish’s popular Doctor Who spin- off drama – Gallifrey Enemy Lines – reuniting Lalla Ward and Louise Jameson as Romana and Leela!
- The producer of Gallifrey Enemy Lines, Scott Handcock, tells us: ‘After concluding the storylines of the first six series, it looked like Gallifrey had concluded, so we’re very lucky to have been allowed to advance the story in next month’s Gallifrey Intervention Earth, and now take that one stage further! The enthusiasm for the new release has been enormously positive, so we hope to maintain that with the series we have coming.’
- The series will comprise six, half-hour episodes across three CDs, and will reunite fan favourites Lalla Ward as the second incarnation of Romana and Louise Jameson as Leela. Sean Carlsen’s popular CIA Coordinator Narvin will also feature, alongside Sophie Aldred as Time Lord in training, Ace.
- ‘I’m delighted that you are doing a return to Gallifrey, ’ Lalla told us upon hearing the news, ‘and that Louise and I will have a chance to work together again on what was such a happy experience first time around, with a company as lovely as Big Finish.’
‘Having kissed goodbye to Gallifrey and thinking it was all over (with a small lump in the throat), I feel a bit like I’ve been given a trip in the TARDIS and am welcoming working with the team again with open arms, ’ agreed Louise. ‘As ever, deeply grateful to Big Finish.’
‘It’s very exciting to be working with Lalla and Louise on a brand-new set of stories, ’ Scott continues, ‘and like Intervention Earth, the episodes will form a self-contained, standalone thriller, pushing all our characters into new and unexpected directions along the way…’
coming soon