Forever Fallen

Forever Fallen

Forever Fallen

Regular Cast

Nicholas Briggs(Narrator)


Doctor Who: Short Trips Monthly is a series of new short stories read by an original cast member. This special release is aSeventh Doctor and Ace story, and is offered as a free download via the Paul Spragg Short Trips Memorial Opportunity in 2016.

Until now, an offered chance from The Doctor has never stopped the villain’s schemes.

Until now, the android armies, the powerful space stations, the mind-control rays, have gone unchecked to disastrous effect.

Until now…

…But then what happens?

Producer Ian Atkins
Script Editor Ian Atkins
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs

Written by: Joshua Wanisko
Directed by: Neil Gardner


Sean Calvin intends to remove free will on a planet. The Doctor convinces him not to, and every year for nine years, Sean meets The Doctor and Ace to chat. Over these nine years, Sean marries and has a daughter, Odessa, and becomes a war hero. In the end, the authorities discover what Sean had intended to do nine years before, and he is tried for his crimes. Ace asks The Doctor whether there was anything different from if Sean had gone through with it, and the Doctor replies that Odessa has hope in this timeline.


Forever Fallen was a special free release in the Short Trips audio range from Big Finish Productions. It was the winning entry in”The Paul Spragg Memorial Short Trip Opportunity”
When asked about his family, The Doctor mentions his granddaughter (An Unearthly Child) and a metaphorical giddy aunt. (The Krotons)
Ace teaches Odessa how to make milkshakes. (Dragonfire)


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