Place of Origin:
Lobus Caecilius
The Fires of Pompeii
Main Actor:
Francesca Fowler
Evelina, daughterof marble merchant Lobus Caecilius and his wife, Metella, was a young Roman woman living in Pompeii on the eve of its destruction in August 79.
Evelina showed some precognitive abilities, and so was promised to the Sibylline Sisterhood, a local cult of oracles influenced by the alien Pyroviles, as a consecrated priestess.
Like her parents and brother Quintus, Evelina was spared from Pompeii’s destruction by the Tenth Doctor’s timely intervention.
Her psychic abilities vanished with the Pyroviles and the city – The Doctor explained that her ability to see the future was due to Mount Vesuvius’ eruption being so powerful that it cracked open a rift in time for a second and the effects echoed backward through time – so she was free to be an ordinary young woman once more and date, to her father’s consternation. (The Fires of Pompeii)