Erimem: A Pharaoh of Mars

Erimem: A Pharaoh of Mars
Jim Mortimore’s long-planned Erimem novel A Pharaoh of Mars is nearing completion. The story of this trip to an alien world has grown since we originally announced it, and so it now forms the first book in an Erimem event series, The Chronicles of Mars, which will be made up of three novels, all by Jim Mortimore. A Pharaoh of Mars will be followed by Goddess of Mars and then Legions of Mars.
This series of novels set on the deadly world of Maahes tells adventures on a grand scale, with Erimem and her regular travelling companions Andy, Helena and Ibrahim, as well as a surprise traveller, taken to a faroff world where several races battle for supremacy. Why is Erimem so linked to this world and why is her corpse now in her supposedly empty sarcophagus? And are the other two humans on the world really legendary Egyptologist Howard Carter and the famed pulp author Edgar Rice Burroughs?
These books will be released alongside the regular run of Erimem novels.
Jim has written extensively in the DOCTOR WHO universe as well as writing books on Babylon 5, Cracker and Farscape. Thebes Publishing is proud to have an inventive and unique voice like Jim working with us. This is going to a fantastic adventure which challenges Erimem in ways she has never experienced before.
coming soon
coming soon