Dorothea Ames

Dorothea Ames
Place of Origin:
5 November 2016 to 3 December 2016
First Seen In:
Co-Ownerof a Lonely Heart
Last Appearance:
The Lost
Main Actor:
Pooky Quesnel

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Dorothea Ames became head teacher at Coal Hill Academy in November 2016, replacing Frank Armitage, who had recently died.
Ames suggested that she worked with the mysterious Governors. When Miss Quill entered heroffice, she asked for her help with the invasion of killer petals. In return, Ames offered to removed the arn, giving Quill her free will back. (Co-Ownerof a Lonely Heart)
She took Quill, Charlie Smith, and Matteusz Andrzejewski to their house in order for her to force Charle to use the Cabinet of Souls to destroy the killer petals. She placed a gun on Matteusz and was delighted that he eventually armed the weapon. As part of this she accidentally turned her back on Matteusz who knocked herout. After the petals were killed, she said to Quill the the Governors had predicted the outcome and that the offerof removing the arn still stood. (Brave-ish Heart)
Ames took Quill to the hall, after Quill had locked Charlie and his friends in detention, to start their mission to remove the Arn. She introduced her to Ballon who was to be the surgeon. Activating the metaphysical engine, she took them to get supplies for the surgery, arn pheromones from Arn Heaven, the blood of the God of the Lorr in Lorr Hell and the brain of the Quill Goddess from the first Quill nest before taking her to the Cabinet of Souls for the surgery. She left the cabinet in order to inform the rest of the Governors to what had happened in the trip. She then later informed Quill and Ballon that there was only enough energy to allow one of them to escape the Cabinet, and gave Quill her gun to facilitate the killing. (The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did)
She was later held at gun point by Charlie and ordered to help them stop the Shadow Kin, in doing so she contacted the Governors. After she was deemed no longer useful by theGovernors, she was killed by a Weeping Angel. (The Lost)

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