Torchwood: Dissected

Torchwood: Dissected
Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones), Eve Myles (Gwen Cooper)
Gwen Cooper turns up on Martha Jones’s doorstep with a dead body in tow. She needs to ask one final favourof her. And to find out why they stopped being friends.
A lot’s happened to Torchwood since Martha left. A lot’s happened to Martha since she left Torchwood. And there’s something very odd about the dead body Gwen’s brought with her.
Tonight Gwen’s going to be getting more answers than she bargained for.
Gwen arrives at a UNIT victim-retrieval station in Hereford in the Torchwood SUV, taking a corpse to Martha for her to perform an autopsy on. Martha believes that he is entirely unrelated to the crash of an automated research ship two miles away, but Gwen is unconvinced and uses a Haxan scanner to show that he is showing signs of life. Martha’s technology, however, does not.
Martha examines the body and sees that his skull is fractured, also pointing out that Gwen’s scanner is hypersensitive and possibly registering his skin as still alive. Gwen hears the body speak, but Martha explains that it was likely to be gas escaping his body, and sees maggots inside of him. Martha admits that this is strange. Using UNIT technology, she is able to identify the body as being Jonathan Dee.
After receiving a call from Sergeant Kelly, Martha finds that the body’s DNA has changed, now registering as Dee and Gwen, and puts the base into lockdown. Her scissors disappear and she accuses Gwen of taking them, leading to Gwen accusing herof being a different person. Testing her, Gwen asks her to name Rhys, which she struggles with, and Martha counters by asking her the names her mother and sister. When Tom comes up, Martha tells Gwen that they had broken up.
Martha says that the body should have blue feet and subtly has Gwen go with her to the observation room, telling her that the body is listening to them and adapting to become the perfect body, apologising for not believing Gwen sooner. The body stands and goes after them, Martha believing that a chameleon had absorbed Jonathan Dee. She activates the stasis mist and, escaping with Gwen, blows up the station with the chameleon inside.
Gwen suggests that Martha pretend that she died in the fire and “go freelance”, with the option of returning to UNIT should she ever change her mind. She agrees, saying that they should visit Dee’s parents and planning to ask a friend to join her in going off the grid. The chameleon fades away, saying “disappear”.
Tenth Doctor companion Martha Jones returns to the world of Torchwood in January next year. Freema Agyeman (Doctor Who, Sense 8, Line of Duty) starred in series 3 of New Doctor Who and its spin-off show, Torchwood, before going on to a huge career.
Big Finish Productions is delighted that Freema is reprising her role in this new Torchwood story, which explores what Martha did after her adventures with The Doctor.
Gwen Cooper turns up on Martha Jone’s doorstep with a dead body in tow. She needs to ask one final favour of her. And to find out why they stopped being friends.
A lot’s happened to Martha since she left Torchwood. And there’s something very odd about the dead body Gwen’s brought with her. Tonight she’s going to be getting more answers than she bargained for.
“Aw mate, the nostalgia has been quite overwhelming,” says Freema on returning to the character of Martha Jones. “It really is like stepping into comfortable old shoes. It feels like about five minutes ago and yet so much time has passed. That’s the wonderful thing about the Whoniverse – you never feel on the outside of it. It’s great to be back.”
“I first met Freema back in 2006 working on Doctor Who Confidential,” says director Scott Handcock. “I watched Martha Jones arrive and grow, and it’s a pleasure to welcome her back to the world of Torchwood. It’s something we’ve been chatting about for years, and to finally make it happen with the amazing Eve Myles (who adores her and vice versa) is a real treat!”
Writer Tim Foley told us more about uniting two of science fiction’s most courageous female leads: “Martha Jones is back! And I’ve locked her in a room with Gwen! It’s such a delight to pit these two against each other. This is quite an experimental story – you’ll be listening to an autopsy in real time, which was such a fun challenge. Luckily for me Eve and Freema sparoff each other marvellously, stuck in a lab with nothing but a corpse for company…”
Torchwood: Dissected starring Freema Agyeman and Eve Myles, will be released in February 2020 priced at £7.99 on download or £9.99 on CD. Don’t forget all CD purchases unlock a download option via the Big Finish app and the Big Finish website.
You can buy and/or pre-order the Torchwood monthly range individually, or why not save money with a Torchwood bundle. A six-release bundle is £50 on CD or £45 on download, or you can save even more money by ordering twelve Torchwood releases at £90 on CD or £84 on download.
This release contains adult material and may not be suitable for younger listeners.
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