Someone I Once Knew

Someone I Once Knew
Someone I Once Knew

Regular Cast

Alex Kingston (River Song), Tom Baker (The Doctor), Adele Lynch (Gammarae), Fenella Woolgar (Professor Jemima Still/Formidian Queen), Josh Bolt (Spod), George Asprey (Melak), Nicholas Asbury (Dante), Ewan Bailey (Human/Alien/Robot Voices), Tim Bentinck (Franz Kafka/Samsa), Alex Tregear (Miss Ver million/Ver million), Christopher Naylor (Lord Simon Whist/Captain Bartholomew/Discordia Underling), Shvorne Marks (Cissy/Thelma Sketch), Nigel Anthony (Rakkezar/Drayl), Nathalie Buscombe (Garen/Galerayna). Other parts played by members of the cast.


4.4 Someone I Once Knew by John Dorney

River has tried in vain to keep the Discordia away from The Doctor. Now, as devils run riot through universal spacetime, her own past with her husband is being rewritten. There is one last hope for the universe. A love story – but one that must find an ending…



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