The Dark Husband

The Dark Husband
Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Sophie Aldred (Hex), Danny Webb (Ori), Andy B Newb (Irit), Benny Dawb (Tuin), Katarina Olsson, Sean Connolly (The Bards)
“This whole wedding is like making a nuclear bomb with half the instructions missing!”
A week-long respite from a prolonged and bloody war, the Festival of the Twin Moons of Tuin makes Glastonbury look like a church fete… or so the brochure says. The Doctor and Ace are looking for rest and recreation. Hex is looking for the beer tent. But eternal enemies the ginger-haired Ri and the coot-bald Ir are plotting to turn their Festival truce to their own advantage. Only the Dark Husband might stop the celebrations turning to horror… but who is the Dark Husband? And what terror awaits him on his wedding night?
If anyone knows any just cause or impediment… speak now. The lives of billions depend on it.
coming soon
- The Dark Husband was the one hundred and sixth monthly Doctor Who audio release produced by Big Finish Productions.
- Ace mentions the musical groups Right Said Fred and the Rolling Stones.
- Andy B Newb and Benny Dawb are anagrams of Danny Webb.
- This audio drama was recorded on 18 and 21 December 2007 at the Moat Studios.
- Tuin is known as the Brewery of the Galaxy as its beer houses boast 1, 400 different varieties of ale