The Daleks CD

The Daleks CD


A pioneer in the field of electronic music, Tristram Cary served as a wartime naval officer specialising in radar and electronics. He combined a career at the cutting edge of experimental music with works for cinema (The Ladykillers), television and radio. Together with Peter Zinovieff and David Cockerell, Cary was one of the founders of EMS, the company behind classic VCS3 and Synthi 100 synthesisers, which he helped design.

The Daleks made their debut in Doctor Who just before Christmas 1963 and Cary’s music was composed to script as a number of atmospheric pieces for specific scenes and situations. Here, Cary’s work combined live musicians with pure electronics, musique concrete and electronic treatments. This release of the soundtrack expands on a previous issue and includes music from all seven episodes plus unreleased material and extended cues.

Track Listing

# Track
1. Doctor Who (Original theme)
2. Forest Atmosphere
3. Skaro: Petrified Forest Atmosphere (“Thal Wind”)
4. Forest With Creature
5. City Music 1&2
6. Thing In Jungle
7. TARDIS Computer
8. City Music 3
9. Dalek City Corridor
10. The Daleks
11. Radiation Sickness
12. Dalek Control Room
13. The Storm 1&2
14. The Storm Continued (Susan Meets Alydon)
15. Inside The City
16. What’s Inside A Dalek
17. The Fight
18. The Ambush
19. Fluid Link
20. Rising Tension
21. Demented Dalek
22. The Swamp
23. The Cave 1
24. Barbara Lose The Rope
25. High Sound And Heartbeats (Antodus And Ganatus)
26. Pebble Dropped
27. Captives of the Daleks
28. Heartbeats (Antodus Falls)
29. The Cave II
30. Capsule Oscillation (Dalek Destructor Fuse/Bomb Countdown)
31. Explosion/TARDIS Stops
32. Five Explosions
33. The Ambush (Loop)
34. Funeral Chords
35. Funeral Chords (Alternative)
36. Funeral Chords (Loop)


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