Girl Technician
Place of Origin:
Main Actor:
Deborah Brayshaw
A female technician, working for the Controller, scanned the timelines from an alternate 22nd century England for any activity from the guerrillas fighting against their masters, The Daleks. She found repeated activity from a time transmitter in the 20th century time zone, before losing the signal again.
She reported to the Controller that the Third Doctor had infiltrated Centre 117 and she ordered the forces there to capture them. The Controller told her to separate the figures. (Day of the Daleks)
In the novelisation, it is suggested, though not confirmed, that the technician is secretly in league with the guerrillas; Monia mentions a female contact at Central Control working as a clerk on the Controller’s staff, who informs the guerrillas that The Doctor is The Daleks‘ greatest enemy. The BBC episode guide classes it as a “goof” that “the off behaviour of [the Controller’s] female assistants remain[s] unexplained”,[1] seemingly speculating at further elements cut from the story. If this is the case, it may relate to her allegiance as hinted by the novelisation.