Regular Cast
Patrick Troughton (Dr Who), Frazer Hines (Jamie)
Guest Cast
Alec Ross (Bob Hall) [1], Griffith Davies (Kennedy) [1-2], John Bailey (Edward Waterfield), Geoffrey Colville (Perry) [1-2], Deborah Watling (Victoria Waterfield) [2-7], Robert Jewell, Gerald Taylor [3-7], John Scott Martin [5-7], Murphy Grumbar [6-7], Ken Tyllsen [7] (Daleks), Roy Skelton [1,6-7]*, Peter Hawkins [2-7] (Dalek Voices), Jo Rowbottom (Mollie Dawson) [2-5], Marius Goring (Theodore Maxtible) [2-7], Brigit Forsyth (Ruth Maxtible) [2-5], Gary Watson (Arthur Terrall) [3-7], Windsor Davies (Toby) [2-4], Sonny Caldinez (Kemel) [3-7]
Written by | David Whittaker |
Directed by | Derek Martinus |
Produced by | Innes Lloyd |
1 | “Episode One” | 24:07 | 20 May 1967 | 8.1m |
2 | “Episode Two” | 25:13 | 27 May 1967 | 7.5m |
3 | “Episode Three” | 24: 27 | 3 June 1967 | 6.1m |
4 | “Episode Four” | 24:43 | 10 June 1967 | 5.3m | 5 | “Episode Five” | 25:23 | 17 June 1967 | 5.1m | 6 | “Episode Six” | 24:48 | 24 June 1967 | 6.8m | 7 | “Episode Seven” | 24:33 | 1 July 1967 | 6.1m |
The Doctor and Jamie are stranded in 1966 London when the TARDIS is stolen, driven away in the back of a lorry. The Doctor uses his keen sense for clues and deduction to track the TARDIS back to a very unusual antique shoppe owned by the even more unusual and mysterious Edward Waterfield. As it transpires Mr. Waterfield and Victorian scientist Theodore Maxtible have devised a method of time travel with the help of some rather sinister associates – The Daleks. The Daleks have taken Edward Waterfield’s daughter, Victoria, hostage. Using her life as a bargaining piece The Daleks force the terrified men to serve them and assist in capturing The Doctor. When this is accomplished The Daleks soon force The Doctor into their service by threatening to destroy the TARDIS if he does not aide them by experimenting on Jamie.
Episode 1
Having bid farewell to Ben and Polly at Gatwick Airport, the Second Doctor and Jamie round a corner to discover that someone is stealing the TARDIS, which is being driven away on the back of a lorry. They run after the lorry, but are too slow and the vehicle is soon out of sight.
The Doctor and Jamie go into a building and ask a less-than-helpful air mechanic, Bob Hall. They are told it was taken by someone called J. Smith for the Leatherman Company. Unbeknownst to the pair, a man named Kennedy is listening to their conversation and reporting it back to his boss — Edward Waterfield.
The Doctor tells Jamie he suspects Hall due to his uniform being too small and the cover sheet he was shown being different to the rest. They see Hall leave the airport and hail a cab to follow him.
Waterfield explains to his assistant Perry that the police box is a special request for a particular client. Perry admires all the traditional looking Victorian in the shop.
Kennedy meets up with Hall, but is disgusted to see he has been followed. Kennedy intends to hurt The Doctor and Jamie, but Hall refuses to be part of it. Kennedy knocks Hall out and hides. When The Doctor and Jamie enter, they find Hall. All he can say is, “Where’s Ken…?” before losing consciousness. As they investigate the place, Kennedy sneaks out, locking them in. When they finally break out, Kennedy is long gone. The Doctor finds a book of matches from the Tri-Colour cafe and deduces that the matches have been taken from left to right. The only course of action is to go to the cafe and find someone called Ken who is left-handed.
When Kennedy meets Waterfield, it is revealed it is a trap. Waterfield ensures that it is The Doctor by showing Kennedy a picture. Waterfield’s understanding of the cockney Kennedy seems stilted, and he does not understand what he is saying some of the time. He asks Kennedy to fetch Perry. While he is gone, Waterfield goes to a secret room hidden by a bookcase. The room is sparse and decorated in a more futuristic way than Waterfield’s office. In the middle of the room stands a Victorian jug. He picks it up and leaves before Perry arrives. Waterfield explains the jug is for a Doctor Galloway — showing Perry a picture of the Doctor — who is to be met at the cafe and told to meet Waterfield at ten that night. As Perry leaves, he notices Kennedy listening at the door and rebukes him.
At the cafe, Jamie and the Doctor wait. The Doctor is sure it is a trap but says they have nothing else to go on. Perry approaches and tells them to be at the shop at 10PM. The Doctor goes along with it.
At the office, Kennedy hears Waterfield shouting to someone, demanding information and becoming furious when it is not given. Perry reports to Waterfield that the plan has worked.
Later that day, Kennedy breaks into Waterfield’s office and investigates. Soon enough he finds the secret room. He breaks into a safe. As he is looking in the safe and his back is turned, a Dalek appears. The Dalek demands to know who he is. A horrified Kennedy is backed up against the wall as the Dalek approaches…
Episode 2
Kennedy attempts to flee and is shot down by The Dalek, which promptly disappears.
The Doctor and Jamie enter the antique shop half an hourearly and note the antique clocks, which are too perfect to be reproductions but too new to be genuinely Victorian. They also find a bill dated 1866, but again it is seemingly too new to be genuine.
Waterfield discovers Kennedy’s body and is horrified at the Dalek’s callous indifference to human life, but The Dalek demands that he follow orders. Despite his shattered nerves, Waterfield lays a trap for The Doctor and Jamie, involving a photo of the two of them ripped in half, and hides awaiting his guests.
The Doctor and Jamie encounter Perry. As they make their way into Waterfield’s office they discover Kennedy’s body. Perry immediately runs off to fetch the police. The Doctor investigates Kennedy’s body and cannot fathom the cause of death, but he notes half of the photo of his face in the dead man’s hands. Jamie discovers the other half of the photo wedged in the box. Before The Doctor can warn him against the suspected trap, Jamie pulls at it, releasing a gas which knocks the pairout. Waterfield moves their prone bodies onto the platform, and the three disappear.
The Doctor awakes to find himself and Jamie in a country house. A maid by the name of Mollie Dawson enters and gives The Doctor a restorative. On enquiry, The Doctor finds out it is the year 1866. A man by the name of theodore Maxtible introduces himself to The Doctor and states he will explain everything. The Doctor is initially angry until Waterfield enters and explains that there is a higher power at play who have kidnapped his daughter in order to control them.
Waterfield’s daughter, Victoria, is indeed prisoner to The Daleks and is being force-fed to keep up her weight.
Maxtible and Waterfield show The Doctor into a comparatively high-tech laboratory and explain that they have been researching time travel through the use of static electricity and a chamber lined with mirrors. Through their experiments with static electricity, they inadvertently provided entrance to a group of Daleks who took Waterfield’s daughter Victoria prisoner and forced them to kidnap The Doctor. A Dalek enters and threatens to destroy the TARDIS unless The Doctor assists them with an experiment. Jamie is to be subjected to a series of potentially lethal tests. The Dalek leaves. Maxtible believes that the Daleks may be trying to thwart their pattern of being defeated by humans by becoming more human themselves, using Jamie as their guinea pig.
Back in the living room, Mollie enters and wakes Jamie. Ruth, Theodore’s daughter, enters and introduces herself to Jamie, then leaves him alone. As he is distracted, a ruffian enters and strikes Jamie over the head, rendering him unconscious. Mollie comes in and finds him. She too is attacked.
The Doctor is determined to get to Jamie before the Daleks do and leaves with Waterfield. They find a prone figure on the ground. When uncovered, it is not Jamie but Mollie.
Maxtible is ordered by The Daleks to start the experiment.
The Doctor is examining some dirt on the floor. Waterfield tells him that Jamie is vital to The Daleks plan. The Doctor says if they don’t find Jamie, The Daleks will take pleasure in killing everyone in sight.
In the corridor, two Daleks are talking. The first says the humans have been ordered to begin the test. The second says any delay will result in death. The first responds that there will be no delay…
Episode 3
The Doctor investigates the room and finds a piece of straw.
Jamie has been kidnapped by a ruffian, Toby, at the behest of another house guest, Arthur Terrall (the fiancé of Maxtible’s daughter Ruth). Toby and Terrall fight over the payment. Terrall seems confused and at one point has a dizzy fit. His behaviour vacillates wildly from calm to violent. The Doctor tracks Jamie back to the barn and hears the back end of the conversation.
The Daleks prepare for the test to begin, moving Victoria to one end of the south wing of the house.
Jamie is puzzled by The Doctor’s behaviour, as he overhears The Doctor claim that the Daleks are in the house and appears to collaborate with Maxtible and Waterfield.
The Daleks argue with Maxtible, demanding a swift start to the experiment. A mute Turkish muscleman, Kemel, a servant of Maxtible, demonstrates his strength by bending an iron bar and breaking a plank. He is told that Jamie is a vicious ruffian and is instructed to guard the house against him. He is taken to a door that is booby-trapped and told to wait for Jamie to pass.
The Daleks confirm that they are wanting to acquire the human factor. When The Doctor asks why Jamie, The Daleks say that because of his travels with The Doctor, Jamie is the most intrinsically human person in the universe. Faced with the option of breeding a race of super-daleks or losing his TARDIS, The Doctor is forced to agree. Maxtible explains that the way to extract the human quality is through staging a rescue of Victoria by Jamie.
Ruth enters with Terrall, who reacts very wildly to the presence of Jamie and has another dizzy spell. The Doctor enters, and Jamie blows up at him for conspiring with Waterfield and Maxtible. Jamie, however, succumbs to The Doctor’s reverse psychology forbidding him from attempting a rescue of Victoria. He has, after all, become seemingly smitten by a painting of Victoria’s late mother, who he’s told resembles her daughter exactly.
Toby and Terrall meet again and argue about the payment Toby received. As they do, Terrall has a dizzy spell which allows Toby to strike him across the face and steal his money.
Jamie meets up with Mollie, who gives him plans for the house.
Maxtible explains to The Doctor that, as Jamie tries to save Victoria, his emotions will be recorded and saved. The Doctor is to manipulate his emotions.
Toby sneaks into the house to loot it and is exterminated by a Dalek.
Jamie is soon in the south wing. He opens the false panel and is only saved from the booby-trap by a bird triggering it first. He rounds the corner and squares off against the fearsome Kemel.
Episode 4
Jamie and Kemel fight at length. Kemel is much stronger, but Jamie is wily. Jamie runs into another room and forces Kemel through an open window, leaving him dangling from the roof. Once Jamie pulls him back in, they come to a truce. A Dalek places a booby-trap using one of Victoria’s handkerchiefs as bait. Jamie attempts to pick it up, and Kemel pushes him away just before an axe swings down.
The Doctor, monitoring their progress, gleefully notes how Jamie’s courage and mercy have allowed him to survive.
Meanwhile, Waterfield is increasingly unnerved by The Daleks’ ruthlessness. He discovers the body of Toby and attempts to stand up to The Daleks, but he is convinced out of it by Maxtible. Waterfield tells Maxtible that as soon as this whole business is over he is going to confess his part in it. As Waterfield begins to move the body, Maxtible secretes a gun in his jacket.
Despite not being able to communicate, Kemel and Jamie bond. Kemel manages to show that he likes Victoria and shows Jamie a flower she gave him. They combine forces, determined to help her escape together.
Maxtible and Waterfield hide the body in the barn and argue about the plan. Terrall observes all this. Maxtible sends Waterfield back to the house. As Waterfield departs, Maxtible aims the gun at him. Just before he pulls the trigger, Terrall stops him and says this is not the plan. Terrall’s response to Maxtible’s protestations is, “You will obey!”
Jamie and Kemel are hiding from The Daleks when Jamie accidentally trips a booby-trap. A spike falls from the ceiling. Jamie manages to alert Kemel before it kills him.
The Doctor explains they have now recorded instinct.
Jamie and Kemel watch a Dalek guard inspect Victoria, an hourly routine. Kemel arms himself with a mace, but Jamie says that would be suicide and they need to stick together.
The Doctor explains that this is an example of the human trait of self-preservation.
Later that night, Terrall and Mollie have a violent argument. She has said she heard Victoria’s voice, which has incensed Terrall. Ruth interrupts and takes pity on Mollie, but Terrall gets even more furious and sends her away. Ruth begs Terrall to go away with her, but he says he can’t.
A Dalek and Maxtible argue. Maxtible tries to stand up for himself and demands that the Daleks fulfil their end of the bargain — the revelation of a secret. They refuse. Maxtible says he will stop allowing them to use his lab as a base, and the Dalek pushes him to the ground before leaving. Ruth enters, much to Maxtible’s anger, and demands to know what is going on, why Terrall is acting strangely and where Victoria is. Maxtible answers none of these but explains he is working on the alchemical secret of transmuting base metals into gold.
After working together to destroy a Dalek by flinging it into a lit fireplace using the rope, Jamie and Kemel climb the balcony of the trophy room, finding Victoria in the closed room beyond. A hidden panel slides open, and a Dalek advances on them.
Episode 5
Jamie and Kemel manage to propel The Dalek off the balcony, where it explodes on the floor below. This, however, sets off an alarm and alerts The Daleks to the presence of Jamie and Kemel. Jamie and Kemel break into the room beyond to finally find Victoria. They barricade themselves in.
The Doctor closes in on Terrall, correctly suspecting that he’s under Dalek influence — his main claim is that no one has ever seen him eat or drink. In his discussion with Terrall, he also discovers that he is mildly magnetic. It is evident that the strain on Terrall is worsening. Once he is alone, Terrall tries to drink a glass of wine but finds he cannot lift the glass to his lips; he hears a Dalek voice in his head grating the word “Obey!” repeatedly.
Victoria explains to Jamie that she does not recollect how she came to be under the powerof the Daleks, but she briefly recalls that she did it willingly. Jamie speculates that it must be an inside job.
Back in the main house, Maxtible hypnotises Mollie to remove her suspicions regarding Victoria. Once the job is complete, Maxtible explains to Terrall that that is how he got Victoria to return to The Daleks. Maxtible explains that The Doctor is being watched and that Waterfield is reaching the end of his usefulness. Maxtible has a task for Terrell — to get Victoria from the other wing of the house. Terrall tries to resist, but he is forced to obey.
Meanwhile, Waterfield pleads with The Doctor to stop the experiment. He states that once The Daleks have the Human Factor, they’ll be invincible. The Doctor continues nonetheless, imprinting the qualities that Jamie exhibited into positronic brains that will be implanted into three test Daleks. He admits he has no idea of the outcome. Waterfield even thinks of knocking The Doctorout to stop his continuation of the experiment, but he argues that it is too far along to go back now.
Jamie is telling Victoria the story of how they got to her when a liquid starts to flow under the door, causing it to melt. As Jamie and Kemel set about barricading The Daleks, Terrall sneaks into Victoria’s room via a secret passageway and steals her away. Jamie and Kemel follow through the passageway to find her. Jamie and Terrall fight until they are discovered by Ruth, Mollie and the Doctor. The fight is halted when Terrall is overcome by one of his fits. The Doctor orders Ruth to prepare a carriage taking her and Terrall as far away from here as possible. The Doctor finds a small black box around the neck of Terrall and liberates him from the control of the Daleks.
Kemel finds Victoria unconscious in the lab. A Dalek orders him to carry her into the time travel cabinet. The Doctor and Jamie enter. Jamie is furious with The Doctor for his seeming collaboration with The Daleks and has lost his faith in The Doctor — even saying he wishes not to travel with him anymore. Then the three test Daleks with the Human Factor activate; rather than being invincible killing machines, they are childlike and playful, forcing The Doctor into a game of trains with them.
Episode 6
The Doctor is overjoyed with the success of the experiment, watching The Daleks enjoying the individual names given to them by The Doctor (Alpha, Beta and Omega) and playing trains and roundabouts. The Doctor explains to Jamie they are merely children and introduces them to the concept of friendship. All The Daleks, including the three humanised ones, are summoned back to Skaro now that the experiment has ended. Alpha, Beta and Omega leave The Doctor and Jamie, who go to seek out Victoria.
Maxtible tries to get Waterfield to leave, insisting that Victoria must be somewhere around. Once Waterfield leaves, Maxtible discovers a small grey box on the floor. A Dalek emerges and tells Maxtible off for interfering with it. The Dalek orders Maxtible to fetch The Doctor for their “trip”. Maxtible ensures that if he does, The Daleks will reveal their secret. Waterfield overhears all of this and confronts Maxtible. Waterfield and Maxtible fight and Waterfield ends up being knocked unconscious. The Dalek returns and tells Maxtible that the grey box is a bomb and that he needs to find The Doctor now. Panicked, Maxtible goes to fetch him but cannot. Waterfield awakes to see Maxtible of the Daleks return to Skaro through the cubicle. The Doctor and Jamie find the stunned Waterfield, who manages to tell him what has happened. The trio make it to Skaro seconds before the bomb goes off.
Kemel and Victoria are in a cell in the Dalek city. Maxtible arrives to explain to them how they’ve been transported across the galaxy. Victoria despairs but Kemel resolves to defend her. On the outskirts of the city, The Doctor, Jamie and Waterfield enter the cave system that The Doctor knows so well from his first visit to the city. The Daleks are furious with Maxtible for not bringing The Doctor with him to Skaro. Maxtible shouts at the Daleks for destroying his house, of the Daleks round on him, but an alarm soon rings. The Daleks check on Victoria and Kemel and infer that there must be other humans in the city. Victoria takes hope from this. Meanwhile, the Black Dalek encounters one of the three humanised Daleks, Omega, who proudly boasts how The Doctor gave him his name. Omega is taken somewhere central.
Meanwhile, a Dalek escorts Victoria and Kemel to join Maxtible in a small cell. Maxtible is summoned. Victoria and Kemel hear his screams of agony. The Dalek returns for Victoria. In a tunnel, The Doctor, Jamie and Waterfield hear the screams and hurry on. They round a corner and meet a Dalek claiming to be Omega, but The Doctor quickly recognises it’s an impostor and pushes it over a cliff. A furious Victoria and Maxtible are returned to their cell. Victoria rounds on Maxtible for twisting her arm and forcing her to scream, knowing full well that it was bait for The Doctor.
The Doctor, Jamie and Waterfield eventually reach the centre of Skaro. It is not long before they are discovered and summoned to the throne room of the giant Emperor Dalek. The Doctor boasts to the Emperor how the humanised Daleks will soon ferment revolution on Skaro (his true goal all along), and that the Daleks are beaten. The Emperor then reveals that he too has a secret. Identifying the Human Factor has allowed The Daleks to identify The Dalek factor — the urge to obey, to fight, to destroy and to exterminate. Holding The Doctor’s TARDIS as bait, they order The Doctor to implant The Dalek Factor across the history of Earth.
Episode 7
The Daleks put the final touches to their experiment. The Doctor is appalled and refuses to comply. They are all put in the holding cell, and Victoria is reunited with her father at last. Jamie and Maxtible argue, and when it looks like it may become physical, The Daleks intervene. Waterfield tries to persuade Maxtible that he should use this power for good, but he won’t hear of it. In conversation with Victoria, The Doctor states that he is willing to sacrifice all of them to protect Earth.
The experiment is ready to begin. A Dalek tries to withdraw his unit from the experiment when another Dalek questions why. Maxtible, once more, demands the transmutation secret. The Daleks show him the machine in action. Spellbound, he walks through an archway that implants him with The Dalek factor. A Dalek reports to the Emperor that a Dalek has questioned an order. The Emperor demands it be found out.
Later, as they sleep, Maxtible appears to hypnotise The Doctor into walking through the arch as well. The others wake to see him, and Jamie cries out in vain for him to stop. As he passes through, The Doctor seems to also be mentally converted into a Dalek. Jamie and the others despair, and all hope seems to be lost. Maxtible leads The Doctor to the machinery that controls the process of implanting The Dalek factor. Once Maxtible has gone, The Doctor, clearly not affected by the arch, switches around some of the machinery. He awakens Jamie and tells him to get everyone through the arch the next time a Dalek walks through. A Dalek comes to bring The Doctor before the Emperor. As he leaves, The Doctor gives a subtle wink to Jamie. Jamie and the humans discuss whether this may be another trap. The Doctor and Maxtible are brought to the Emperor. The Doctor, still pretending to be converted, suggests that all daleks be passed through the conversion arch so that the humanised Daleks will be re-impregnated with The Dalek Factor.
As The Daleks begin moving through the arch, The Doctor urges his imprisoned colleagues to go through also. He reveals his double-cross: he switched the circuitry, and all the Daleks passing through the arch are being humanised. Because The Doctor is not human himself, the initial Dalek conversion failed. They go through the archway and are unchanged. Waterfield opts to help The Doctor. Chaos erupts in the Dalek city. Humanised daleks begin defying the non-processed Daleks and are destroyed. The Doctor urges the humanised Daleks to defend themselves and to demand answers from the Emperor. Soon civil war erupts in full force. Whilst encouraging The Daleks into killing the Emperor, Waterfield sacrifices his life to save The Doctor. He makes The Doctor promise he will look after Victoria.
The Emperor himself is destroyed by the fighting in the throne room which sets of a process of mutual destruction. Skaro begins to burn. The enraged Maxtible hurls Kemel over a cliff to his death, as he is confronted by Daleks. The Doctor tries to escape Skaro and encounters Maxtible calling for the victory of the Daleks — despite the odds. The Doctor and Jamie escape the melee with the now-orphaned Victoria and watch the city burn, apparently witnesses to the final end of the Daleks. Jamie expresses concern about Victoria being left alone, to which The Doctor replies that she’ll be going with them as they leave.
In the Emperor Dalek’s burning chamber, a light pulses inside an overturned, wrecked Dalek casing…
Donna Noble, Rose Tyler and UNIT also use mirrors as part of a time travel method. (Turn Left)
During his eighth incarnation, The Doctor once again encountered Alpha and other Humanised daleks on Kyrol. (Children of the Revolution)