Place of Origin:
First Seen In:
Face Value
The Ultimate Adventure
Beyond The Ultimate Adventure
Main Actor:
Claire Huckle
Crystal was a nightclub singer who joined the Sixth Doctor on his travels.
Crystal was a singer at the Number 10 nightclub in Clarendon Square. She had played in Europe but never Londonat the club, she performed the song “Strange Attractor”. She first met The Doctor and his companion Jason, a French aristocrat from 1789, when they stopped the Cybermen from kidnapping a US Envoy from her nightclub. She subsequently helped them stop a plot by the Cybermen and the Dalek Emperor. Crystal and Jason soon fell in love. She sang “Sky High” with Jason, then returned to the club, but decided to join Jason and a third companion, Zog, in the TARDIS. (The Ultimate Adventure)
Crystal, with The Doctor, Zog and Jason, visited Leisureworld on the living planet Krennos, where they uncovered a plot by the Chameleons. (Face Value)
She had to record a file for the Time Lords about their recent adventure about how they came into contact with the Eidolon after Madame Deliah’s funeral. (Beyond the Ultimate Adventure)
The stage play The Ultimate Adventure featured at various times the
On this website stage plays are not valid sources, therefore the audio adaptions of the Ultimate Adventure and Beyond the Ultimate Adventure and the short story Face Value represent Crystal’s travels, and these portray her travelling with Sixth Doctor.