The Perpetual Bond
Peter Purves (Stephen Taylor), Tom Allen (Oliver Harper)
When the TARDIS materialises in a familiar junkyard in the 1960s, The Doctor and Steven are soon embroiled in a mystery in the City of London. Who are the mysterious bowler-hatted businessmen with their deadly umbrellas? And what secret is young Oliver Harper desperately trying to conceal?
Contracts have been signed. A deal is in place. and the Doctor discovers that perhaps not even he can stop a terrible business.
coming soon
- The Perpetual Bond was the fortieth release in the Companion Chronicles audio range.
- This is the first Big Finish audio drama to introduce a new companion for any
incarnation of the Doctor prior to the Fifth Doctor.
- This audio drama was recorded on 27 May 2010.
- Steven recalls the recent deaths of Katarina, Bret Vyon and Sara Kingdom (The Daleks’ Master Plan) and the departure of Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright (The Chase).
- The Fulgurite using the pseudonym “Mr Flowers” claims that certain members of the British government are aware of their slave-trading activities.
- This audio drama was recorded on 27 May 2010.