Class Volume 2

Class Volume 2
Greg Austin (Charlie), Fady Elsayed (Ram), Sophie Hopkins (April), Vivian Oparah (Tanya), Katherine Kelly (Miss Quill), Jordan Renzo (Matteusz Andrzejewski), Sophie Aldred (Ace), Nicholas Briggs (Daleks), Taj Atwal (Reagan Harper), Anson Boon (Peter Dillard), Shvorne Marks (Michelle), Wilf Scolding (Chris Richards)
2.1 Everyone Loves Reagan by Tim Foley
When Reagan Harper joins Coal Hill Academy, everybody instantly loves her – everybody except for April. Is there really more to Reagan than meets the eye? Or are there other forces at work in Coal Hill?
2.2 Now You Know… by Tim Leng
Following a series of freak attacks on staff and pupils, Tanya and Matteusz find themselves investigating a mystery that dates back to the 1960s. Together, they hope to solve it – even if that means turning on one another to do so…
2.3 In Remembrance by Guy Adams
When an alarm is triggered at Coal Hill Academy, Quill and Charlie encounter a mysterious intruder prowling around school premises. Worse, they also encounter a Dalek. Theironly hope of survival lies with the stranger: a woman who calls herself ‘Ace’…
coming soon
Coming out in August 2018 are six new adventures from the world of Coal Hill Academy.
Coal Hill School (later Academy) was introduced in the first television episode of Doctor Who, An Unearthly Child, in 1963, and has had numerous appearances ever since including the 50th Anniversary Special, The Day of the Doctor.
Class, a Doctor Who spin- off series created by young adult author Patrick Ness, consisted of eight episodes in a self-contained series that were broadcast in 2016. But Coal Hill Academy still has more secrets hidden in its walls…
Class is now returning on audio with six new adventures made in arrangement with BBC Studios.
Set during the television series, Class is back in session with the original cast. Greg Austin plays Charlie Smith, Fady Elsayed plays Ram Singh, Sophie Hopkins plays April MacLean, Vivian Oparah plays Tanya Adeola, Jordan Renzo plays Matteusz Andrzejewski and Katherine Kelly plays Miss Andrea Quill.
Spread over two volumes, the six new adventures find the students of Coal Hill Academy reunited and crossing paths with characters from The Doctor Who universe.
Seventh Doctor companion Ace, played by Sophie Aldred, returns to Coal Hill in an adventure following up her previous skirmish with The Daleks in The Doctor Who television episode, Remembrance of the Daleks.
Director and Producer Scott Handcock tells us more: “It’s a real thrill having brought Torchwood back on audio, to do the same all over again with another slice of the Doctor Who universe, and to play in a world created by Patrick Ness. The characters and their relationships are key to the success of a series like Class, and the intimacy of the audio medium allows us to bring that to the fore.
“We’ve had a great deal of fun reuniting the original cast for the audio series, telling brand-new stories set within the run, whilst tackling a host of alien menaces. Of course I couldn’t resist linking up to The Doctor Who universe, and bringing Ace of the Daleks into the world of Class has been an absolute treat. And for full authenticity, we’re lucky to have series composer Blair Mowat return to the world of Class as well.”
Nicholas Briggs, executive producer and voice of the Daleks: “Big Finish has a strong tradition of venturing into all areas of the Doctor Who universe, so it’s great that we’re invading Coal Hill Academy too. We’ve had so many requests from listeners about us producing audio drama based on Class, so this is something we’ve been keen to do for some time. For me, personally, it’s going to be great to bring some good, old fashioned exterminating to the format!”
Class in two invididual volumes is available for pre-order now at £20 on CD or £15 on download from the Big Finish site and will remain at this price until general release when it will be available for £25 on CD or £20 on download. Class will have a limited CD run of 500 copies for each volume