Children of Time: The Companions of Doctor Who
KOZMIC Press is pleased to announce a new non-fiction anthology that focuses on The Doctor’s companions: the teachers, the journalist, the Highlander, the temp, the stewardess, the medical student, the archaeologist (both of them!), the kiss-o-gram, a mother, a grandfather, and even the tin dog! All The Doctor’s traveling companions and faithful friends get featured in this volume.
Ever since the first episode was broadcast in 1963, the Companion has been the audience’s surrogate. They travel in the TARDIS on adventures – sometimes into Earth’s past, sometimes into the future, and other times to distant and exotic planets – and they take us along with them. We sit in the comfort of our living room While they encounter all the danger! they’ve survived Dalek invasions, Android invasions, and Christmas invasions. The companions ask questions, get in trouble, get out of trouble, and challenge The Doctor to think and act in new (and usually better) ways. Children of Time: The Companions of Doctor Who will feature profiles of Companions from all forms of Doctor Who: television, audio, comics and novels.
Our contributors include well-known authors, a librarian, a playwright, podcasters, fanzine creators, publishers, a ukulelist, the man who created Erimem for Big Finish, and many more. You’ll read about the time the Paternoster Gang met Sherlock Holmes, how Turlough is the first companion to get a true character arc, the ultimate love letter to Melanie Bush, and a transcript of Jackie Tyler’s speech to a support group for mothers of kids who’ve gone off traveling with The Doctor (attendees of the group include Sylvia Noble and Francine Jones), plus many other surprises.
We also have involvement from three of the Doctor’s companions: Katy Manning, Daphne Ashbrook, and a third, who will be announced soon, who has written the book’s introduction!