Cherry Sunday
Place of Origin:
First Appearance:
Other Appearances:
Space Babies
73 Yards
The Legend of Ruby Sunday
Empire of Death
Main Actor:
Angela Wynter
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Cherry Sunday was Carla Sunday’s mother. (The Church on Ruby Road)
Cherry was an aging woman, who needed Carla’s help to live in a flat in 3 Minto Road by December, 2023. She also came to know Ruby Sunday, one of Carla’s adopted children. When Carla brought home a little baby named Lulubelle to foster, Cherry asked Ruby to make her a cup of tea. However, Ruby was distracted when Carla left to go shopping and forgot to make her one, which frustrates her. Eventually, a man named The Doctor arrives, claiming he was checking on Lulubelle and not Cherry as she initially thought. The cup of tea was still not made when Carla returned, which Cherry voiced her annoyance to about. Soon after The Doctor left, Carla made Cherry a cup of tea, relieving her. (The Church on Ruby Road)
Ruby, and/or Carla and Cherry Sunday, is potentially vegan, as a bottle of Heinz Vegan Mayonnaise is seen in their fridge; however, as Ruby was seen bringing eggs home amongst her shopping, it seems that at least one of the Sundays is, at least, vegetarian.