Holiday world
First Seen In:
The Power of the Cybermen
Drones of Doom
Enemy Mine
Time of the Cybermen
Centuria was one of Earth’s colony holiday worlds. It had more than one sun. A newspaper was published on the planet, called the Centuria Times.
Azlon was Centuria’s most deserted continent. (Drones of Doom) Ice Snakes lived in Centuria’s arctic zone. (Enemy Mine) Hargstones were a precious mineral found there. (Time of the Cybermen)
During the 41st century an interplanetary info-thief stole Cybermen blueprints from the Torchwood Archive and used them to built new Cybermen with the intent of auctioning them off as hi-tech soldiers. The Cybermen took over and threatened the planet, but were shut down by the Tenth Doctor and Jayne Kadett. (The Power of the Cybermen/Drones of Doom/Enemy Mine/Time of the Cybermen)