Cat’s Cradle



Cat’s Cradle

Adapted Into:

Cat’s Cradle: Time’s Crucible


Sixth Doctor



Main Enemy:


Main Setting:

The Doctor’s TARDIS

Key crew


Marc Platt

Release details


Unproduced TVstory


Cat’s Cradle was a proposed television story for Season 22, submitted by Marc Platt to Eric Saward in 1984. It was rejected for being too ambitious for the show’s budget.

The original storyline had featured the Sixth Doctor and Mel, and a silver cat that would’ve been the cat from The Doctor’s lapel and was supposed to be the spirit of the TARDIS. Platt had intended to show a darker side to the Sixth Doctor and make him frightening again.

Platt later adapted the story as a novel in the Virgin New Adventures, instead featuring the Seventh Doctor and Ace. Editor Peter Darvill-Evans thought it was such a wonderful title that he decided to use it as an umbrella for a three-colume series, though the trilogy idea was never developed beyond the odd cross-reference before deciding to focus on the silver cat. (DWM 305)

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