House of Blue Fire

House of Blue Fire

House of Blue Fire

Regular Cast

Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Timothy West (Dr Magnus Soames), Amy Pemberton (No 18), Miranda Keeling (No 5), Ray Emmet Brown (No 16), Howard Gossington (No 12), Lizzy Watts (Eve Pritchard/Mi’en Kalarash)


aquaphobia n. An abnormal fear of water, or drowning.

blattodephobia n. The morbid fear of cockroaches.

catoptrophobia n. Fear of mirrors, or seeing one’s own reflection.

There’s a whole ABC of horrors at Bluefire House – as four young people, drawn together to this tumbledown hotel at the edge of nowhere, are about to discover. But whatever the ancient and foul thing that has emerged from the wilderness to drag them here, speaking of it will only strengthen it.

The Doctor alone knows what lurks at the heart of Bluefire House. But the monster of his childhood dreams is coming. The Mi’en Kalarash is coming…

Just this once, The Doctor is afraid.

Written by: Mark Morris

Directed by: Ken Bentley


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  • House of Blue Fire was a Seventh Doctor audio story released in September 2011.
  • The TARDIS exterior is said to be black instead of blue.
  • Athazagoraphobia is the fear of being forgotten or ignored.
  • The Doctor mentions visiting a curry restaurant in the Khyber Pass. (Ghost Light)
  • Sally describes the TARDIS console room as resembling a cathedral. (The TV Movie)

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