Beyond The Doctor: London, 1965

Beyond The Doctor: London, 1965
Jamie Glover reads this Beyond The Doctor story featuring Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright.
It’s Spring 1965, and at last two time travellers have returned home after many adventures with The Doctor. Yet the world has moved on in their absence, and settling back in proves harder than expected.
For Barbara, salvation appears in the form of kindly Angela Leamann, who offers Miss Wright a ro of over her head in return for a series of ‘psychical sessions’.
Ian, meanwhile, discovers a hidden talent and joins London’s growing literary science fiction scene. He sees no harm in drawing upon his experiences with The Doctor – even when his ideas are picked up by a bigshot in television.
Unsuspectingly, the ex-schoolteachers are being drawn into an invisible web… Jamie Glover, who played William Russell in the BBC TV drama An Adventure in Space and Time, reads this intriguing story by Paul Magrs, authorof Doctor Who: The Nest Cottage Adventures.
Reading produced by Neil Gardner Sound design by David Roocroft Script Editor & Executive Producer: Michael Stevens
? 2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (c) 2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd
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