Doctor Who At The BBC Volume 3

Doctor Who At The BBC Volume 3
Doctor Who At The BBC Volume 3


Elisabeth Sladen steps into the TARDIS once again to present another instalment of drama, comedy and behind-the-scenes extracts from the many worlds of Doctor Who
Doctor Who at the BBC combs the avenues of Time and Space for significant spin-off moments from the much-loved and radio series. In an exclusive coup, this third volume features a rarely heard ten minute mini-drama starring Jon Pertwee and Elisabeth Sladen. Specially recorded for Glorious Goodwood in 1974, it has never been broadcast and features a host of familiar enemies – including The Daleks!

Elsewhere on this two-disk volume, the radio programme Wavelength meets the cast and production team of the Two Doctors, Nationwide investigates the work of the Radiophonics workshop in 1983, and a group of schoolchildren give their views on the series in Take Two from 1984. The Grumbleweeds enjoy their own exciting adventure in Dr Nobbut-Just, ‘Ann Robinson’ menaces The Doctor in Dead Ringers, and Jane Asher plays The Doctor’s granddaughter in Whatever Happened to Susan Foreman?

Rare interview material includes Frank Bough’s Nationwide encounter with fourth Doctor Tom Baker plus Mary Tamm and Carole Ann Ford), Lalla Ward’s appearance on ‘Multi-coloured Swop Shop’, and a mid-Eighties radio interview with Sarah Sutton. There are also features on the brand new Doctor Who, including comments from Russell T Davies and Christopher Eccleston, and even the seal of approval from Michael Grade…



The News Quiz, BBC Radio 4, 9th January 2004
Featuring Simon Hoggart, Brian Perkins
PM, BBC Radio 4, 2nd July 2004
Featuring Carolyn Quinn, Sylvester McCoy
Whatever Happened to Susan Foreman?, BBC Radio 4, 9th July 1994
Featuring Jane Asher, James Grout, Andrew Sachs, June Barrie, Peter Woodthorpe, Eva Haddon. Written by Adrian Mourby and produced by Brian King
And Now the Good News, BBC 2, 20th November 1978
Featuring Richard Stilgoe
Nationwide, BBC 1, 22nd November 1978
Featuring Frank Bough, Carole Ann Ford, Mary Tamm, Tom Baker
Nationwide, BBC 1, 2nd April 1979
Featuring Vera Gilbert, Desmond Briscoe, Liz Parker, Roger Limb, Dick Mills
Wavelength (edited version), BBC Radio 4, 20th September 1984
Featuring Andy Peebles, Jackie Rowley, Gary Downie, Sarah Lee, Jan Wright, Tony Burroughs, Cathy Davies, Dick Mills, Peter M offatt, Tim Raynham, John Stratton, Nicola Bryant, John Nathan-Turner. Produced by Sarah McNeill
The Grumbleweeds, BBC Radio 2, 17th December 1983
Written by Mike Craig and Ron McDonnell


The Ghosts of N-Space – Radio 2 trailer 1, BBC Radio 2, 1996
The Ghosts of N-Space – Radio 2 trailer 2, BBC Radio 2, 1996
The Ghosts of N-Space – Radio 2 trailer 3, BBC radio 2, 1996
Personal appearance at Goodwood Races, Not broadcast, 1974
Featuring Elisabeth Sladen, Jon Pertwee, Dick Mills
Multi-coloured Swap Shop, BBC1, 29th December 1979
Featuring Noel Edmonds, Lalla Ward
Where Are they Now?, BBC1, 17th September 1980
Featuring David Jacobs, Ysanne Churchman
The Ed Doolan Show, BBC Radio WM, late 1984
Featuring Ed Doolan, Sarah Sutton, Malcolm Prince
Take Two, BBC1, 23 May 1984
Featuring Josephine Buchan, John Nathan-Turner, various schoolchildren
PM, BBC Radio 4, 2nd April 2004
Featuring Eddie Mair, Michael Grade
Dead Ringers, BBC Radio 4, 26th September 2003
Featuring Jon Culshaw, Jan Ravens, Phil Cornwell, Kevin Connelly Written by Tom Jamieson and Nev Fountain
Dead Ringers, BBC Radio 4, 3rd October 2003
Featuring Kevin Connelly, Jon Culshaw, Jan Ravens, Phil Cornwell. Written by Tom Jamieson and Nev Fountain
Dead Ringers, BBC Radio 4, 3rd October 2003
Featuring Kevin Connelly, Jon Culshaw, Jan Ravens, Phil Cornwell. Written by Tom Jamieson and Nev Fountain
Mathew Bannister, BBC Radio 5 Live, 29th April 2004
Featuring Mathew Banister, Tom Spilsbury
The Now Show, BBC Radio 4, 6th August 2004
Featuring and written by Mitch Benn
Phil Williams (standing in for Simon Mayo), BBC Radio 5 Live, 22nd November 2004
Featuring Ed Stourton, Clayton Hickman, Michael Grade, Christopher Eccleston, Alex Soul, Russell T Davies, Tim Collins


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  • Doctor Who at the BBC Volume 3 was the second release in a series of Doctor Who at the BBC releases featuring made-for-audio features/documentaries released by BBC Audi
  • It was in January 2004 (according to the sleeve notes of Doctor Who at the BBC Volume 2), that BBC Audio launched a plea via the pages of the BBC Cult website, Doctor Who Magazine, SFX, Zone and others, for anyone with recordings of Doctor Who radio and features between 1963 and the present day to get in touch. The Doctor Who at the BBC series is a collection of such items.

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